6 - A restful sleep

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Savi asked, "Sir, where shall I sleep?"

Ishaan gestured towards the bed.

Savi became furious upon seeing Ishaan's signal for her to sleep on the bed. "Sir, my hand is injured, not my mind."

Ishaan joked, "Oh, glad you realized you have a mind?"

Savi widened her eyes, "Sirrrrr!" Then she regained composure, "How can I sleep on your bed? It's not even big enough for both of us to sleep comfortably."

Ishaan looked into her eyes, and she realized, 'Oh God, how will Sir take this? I didn't mean anything like that'. Then she said, "Sir, it's nothing like that, I just wanted to let you know that we can't share the bed."

Ishaan, still in a jovial mood, remarked, "Nothing like that? What do you actually mean? I didn't get it," and smirked. Then, regaining his composure, he said, "It's not about my bed being small, it's 6 by 6! If you're hesitant about sharing it with me, I've already assured you that there will not be ANY FORCE on you, no matter what. Your right hand has a sling, so you can sleep on the left side of the bed, and I'll take the right side."

Savi remained in denial, "What if I take up more space?"

Ishaan chuckled, "See, the entire room is now yours; the bed is also a part of this room. Take as much space as you need, just don't kick me at midnight."

Then, they both laughed.

Then Ishaan switched off the main light, adjusted the pillows, and they both slept facing away from each other. The entire day had been tiresome, and this was the first night they had to snooze off. Both immediately slipped into a deep sleep.

In the middle of the night, Savi began to have nightmares about Samrudh and the deadly blast that had killed her family. She screamed and woke up. Ishaan also heard her scream and quickly got up, switched on the light, and saw Savi breathing heavily, sweating. He offered her water and asked, "What happened? Did you see a rat? Or a lizard? Well, my room is pest-free!"

Savi cried and hugged him, "Sam killed my family. I'm alone now, not sure if Tai will survive either." She wept with tears streaming down her face. Ishaan became emotional and hugged her back, saying, "Savi, I am with you. Don't further stress your mind." He gently cuddled her head and urged her to sleep. She rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes. Ishaan felt a wave of sadness wash over him as he pondered what would happen next, how things would take a turn from here.

Next morning, Savi woke up to find herself in Ishaan's embrace. He was still in a deep sleep, with his head awkwardly positioned on the pillow. As she moved to separate herself, it disturbed his sleep, and he greeted her, "Good morning, Savi," then suddenly exclaimed, "Ouch, my neck!"

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