53 - Late Night Studies

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It had become a routine for Ishaan and Savi to meet every morning before heading to college and in the evening after completing wok hours and then spend night respectively at BM and ISHANU home.

THREE DAYS LATER - late night study

Savi sits at her study desk, surrounded by stacks of textbooks and notes, her brow furrowed in concentration as she prepares for her next day exams. The clock on the wall ticks past midnight, but Savi shows no signs of slowing down.

Suddenly, her stomach growls loudly, reminding her that she hasn't eaten since dinner.

SAVI (rubbing her stomach): Looks like it's time for a study break.

With a determined smile, Savi closes her books and heads to the kitchen. As she rummages through the fridge and pantry, searching for a late-night snack, she takes out some fryums and comes back to her room.

She heard footsteps outside her window. She was startled for a moment, but she reassured herself, 'No, I'm not afraid. Let me open the window.

But she gathered her courage and went to see who it was.

Pulling back the curtain, she saw Ishaan standing there, holding a rose with a playful look in his eyes. Despite the surprise, she smiled at him.

SAVI: Ishaan Sir? Youuuuu?, what brings you here?" And turns back with an angry catwalk.

Ishaan shrugs nonchalantly and saunters over to Savi, jumping inside the room and wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

ISHAAN: I couldn't resist the smell of fryums, or should I say precisely i couldnt resist the girl eating fryums.

Savi leans back into Ishaan's embrace, enjoying the warmth of his body against hers.

SAVI teases him about coming secretly to meet her: Well, since you're here, how about you meeting Aai Baba?

Ishaan grins and nods enthusiastically, eager to tease her further. "Yes, lets go and say that instead of paying attention to your studies, you called me here and invited me from the window."

Savi makes a face of stating you are impossible.

After a brief moment of seeing each other without a blink, Ishaan leans to Savi with a determined expression.

ISHAAN: Savi, if you have any last-minute doubts or questions about your exams, don't hesitate to ask. Your personal professor is at your service.

Savi chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully at his theatrics.

SAVI: Oh, lucky me! I have a personal professor at my beck and call.

Ishaan grinned, enjoying the banter.

ISHAAN: That's right, Mrs. Ishaan Bhosle. You're getting the VIP treatment.

Savi shook her head, but there was affection in her eyes as she looked at him.

SAVI: Well, Professor, I'll be sure to take advantage of your expertise.

Before they continued to her study desk, Ishaan reached into his pocket and pulled out a small gift wrapped in colorful paper.

ISHAAN: And I have something for you. Consider it a token of good luck for your exams tomorrow.

Curious, Savi's eyes widened with anticipation as she reached out to take the gift. Her fingers traced the edges of the wrapping paper, her movements careful yet eager.

It was a diamond studded pen!

SAVI: Wow, it's beautiful! But how will this help me write my exams confidently?

Ishaan's grin widened, his body language exuding playful confidence as he leaned in closer to Savi, his eyes dancing with mischief, "It's not just any pen, Savi. It's a magic pen. Whenever you use it, it'll fill your paper with nothing but brilliance and confidence."

SAVI: But it looks really costly, there wasn't any need to spend so much on a pen.

Ishaan's expression softened, a warm smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he reached out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from Savi's face.

ISHAAN: Okay, you have that diary right? Add one more line item and pay me back when ________

Savi's eyes sparkled with curiosity, her body leaning in closer to Ishaan's as she eagerly awaited his response. Her fingers absentmindedly played with the wrapping paper of the gift in her hands, a small smile playing on her lips.

SAVI, with excitement: "When? (She was eager to hear When you become an IAS from her husband)

Ishaan's cheerful laughter filled the room, his body language relaxed and open as he leaned back in his chair, his eyes meeting Savi's with affectionate warmth.

ISHAAN, in a cheerful mood: "When you become Mrs. Bhosle in ALL senses, I will take the debt back in my own way." And scans her from top to bottom.

Savi couldn't help but playfully roll her eyes at Ishaan's mischief and double meaning joke, her hand swatting at his arm in a gesture of mock annoyance. But beneath the playful punch, her eyes shone with love and adoration for her husband.

Then they sat on the bed, side by side, and discussed the exams earnestly, their body language mirroring their deep concentration as they leaned in closer to each other, their gestures animated and expressive. He gives her lots of tips and tricks to handle the pressure and shine brighter!

And after a while, as Ishaan prepared to leave, he leaned in to plant a gentle kiss on Savi's palms, her forehead, and finally her eyes, his body language conveying his earnest wishes for her success.

"May these fingers write the best answers," he whispered against her skin of palms, his touch gentle yet reassuring.

"May this brain work at its best," he continued, his lips pressing against her forehead in a tender caress.

"And may these eyes get to see the questions you are confident about," he finished, his gaze meeting Savi's with unwavering love and support with a forehead kiss.

And he jumps out of the window, waving goodbye.

Savi stands there, watching him leave with a proud expression, and murmurs, "I will never disappoint you Ishaan Sir, will surely rock in my exams starting from tomorrow and at the day of my last paper, you will meet your wife, Savi Ishaan Bhosle, in all senses." 

To be Continued... (A week of examinations and post that IshVi plan to start living as husband & wife, will it happen?)

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