44 - New Board Member at Bhosle Institute

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The sun filters through the sheer curtains, throwing a direct warm glow into the cozy kitchen of Ishanu's home. The aroma of freshly brewed tea and Puri-Bhaji fills the air as Isha sets the table with care, arranging plates of breakfast delicately.

She waits expectantly for Shantanu, her husband, who enters the room with a newspaper in hand, his attention already captured by the headlines.

ISHA: (with concern) What happened, Shantanu? You seemed distant yesterday. How was Ishu? And why didn't Savi return home along with you? I hope they patched things up.

Shantanu hesitates momentarily, his eyes flickering with uncertainty before he offers a strained smile.

SHANTANU: (with forced cheerfulness) Oh, everything's fine, Isha. Ishu and Savi were together during lunch break at college. You know how it is with newlywed couples; they have their ups and downs, but they always work things out. Well, I am busy as we have an important meeting today concerning the grant that the university is going to offer us, excuse me.

And he leaves!

Isha senses the tension in Shantanu's response but brushes it off, attributing it to his busy schedule. Her inner happiness of Ishaan Savi being together was greater than the awkwardness she sensed with Shantanu.

She also heads off to her routine.



Savi was ready for the day but Ishaan was still in his deep sleep, she sat beside him, gently touched his face, and let her fingers trace fully to make patterns in his messy hair.

He grumbles sleepily, half awake as he responds to her affectionate gesture.

ISHAAN: (half-asleep, teasingly) Savi, you're not just making things difficult for me with these gestures, but for yourself too. If you keep this up every morning, don't you think, we may end up doing ........

SAVI: (interrupting, playfully) Oh, stop being so clever! Now get up, Mr. Bhosle. It's already 8 AM, and you've missed your gym session today.

Ishaan jolts awake, a hint of panic in his eyes, before he catches Savi's gaze and responds with a wink.

ISHAAN: (grinning) Oh no! (teasingly) Well, I did have quite the workout last night, had a good walk in the rains and heavy weight lifting after reaching home.

Savi hits him with the pillow.

The playful banter continues as they tease each other, eventually, they prepare for their day and head off to the college.


Bhosle Institute of Excellence - Conference Room - Morning 11 AM

The scene is set in a spacious conference room, where eight members of the Bhosle Institute's committee sit anxiously, accompanied by three stern representatives from the education board. The tension is palpable as they await the crucial decision regarding the university grant.

As the representatives from the education board enter, their authoritative presence commands attention. They waste no time in delivering the news.

EDUCATION BOARD REPRESENTATIVE 1: (with authority) As per the terms outlined in the email, the university has approved the grant. However, there is a condition. Twenty-five percent of the stake must be allocated to a member appointed by the university. This individual cannot be affiliated with the Bhosle Institute in any capacity.

A wave of apprehension washes over the committee members as they absorb the implications of the condition. Professor Ishaan exchanges a meaningful glance with his colleagues, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

RAO SAHEB: (nervously) This is a critical moment for the institute. We must tread carefully.

PROFESSOR ISHAAN BHOSLE: (calmly, but with concern) We must consider the implications carefully. Our autonomy is at stake.

NISHI SIR: (agitated) But how can we agree to relinquish control over a quarter of our stake? It's unprecedented!

RAO SAHEB: (resolutely) We may not have control over who is appointed, but we can control how we navigate this challenge. Our commitment to the institute's mission remains steadfast.

Looking at the representatives, he adds: How soon we would be able to know about the newly appointed member?

EDUCATION BOARD REPRESENTATIVE 1: (with authority) On signing the agreements and submitting of required documents, we will process the grant in your bank accounts, and during the same time, within a week, we will share the details of the new member, who will not only be a stakeholder but an active acting member too on our behalf.

A week later!

A week later, all formalities are completed, and the paperwork is duly submitted. A meeting is convened in the same conference room, with the board members and the new committee member stepping through the glass door. The new member strides confidently into the room, impeccably dressed in a tailored suit and polished shoes. As he approaches, the Bhosle family members (Yashwant Rao, Nishikant, and Ishaan) exchange bewildered glances, their expressions betraying a mix of recognition and disbelief. It's as though they know him, yet his presence catches them completely off guard.

To be Continued... (Savi's parents' death anniversary and ISHVI's trip to _______)

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