47 - ISHVI Gets Romantic

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Not a full-fledged 18+ chapter, but kids stay away!

As Savi introduced each and every corner of her home to Ishaan, they came to the hall and sat on the swing belonging to her Azooba, and she continuously reminisced about her family memories, sharing all the tiny tidbits of how siblings and cousins used to fight and then patch up.

The clock strikes 9 AM. Ishaan says, "Savi, let's visit the temple and pray for "my in-laws", Baba, and Aai?"

Savi, filled with immense emotion and gratefulness upon hearing him refer to her parents as Baba and Aai, nods positively and says, "Wait, let's freshen up before we go to the temple. We were on the roads overnight. The taps might not be working properly, so I need to fetch water with buckets from the backside water-hodge."

Ishaan responds, "It's okay, we will manage."

It's the first time for Ishaan to experience this lifestyle, but Savi effortlessly handles everything. Together, they pour in 4-5 buckets of water.

Savi retrieves her old chudidaar from her cupboard. Like how every girl flaunts her pre-wedding routine clothes after visiting her maayka, she also feels a sense of pride in wearing those old clothes. She asks, "Ishaan Sir, shall I give you Vinu Dada's clothes?"

Ishaan smiles, "Thank you, Mrs. Bhosle, but I have a habit of keeping an extra pair of clothes in my car. So it should suffice for today."

Both get ready and head to the nearby temple to seek blessings in her old yellow scooty, she wanted him to ride it and her to sit behind him hugging him tightly.

They perform Pooja for the peace of her parents. Then she takes him to the roads and lanes where her memories were woven, showing him her college and other places where she used to spend her time.

They have lunch at her favorite dhaba and then return home by noon.


It was a little hot weather and Ishaan was sweating heavily. Savi hesitantly asks, "Sir, we have a cooler, not AC here, will you be comfortable?"

Ishaan" "Of course, this is my home too, right? Why would I not be comfortable here? This is serene and has lots of neem trees around your home. I am just loving this sight". He pulls her hand and lets her sit beside him, "Trust me, I am more comfortable here than you are right now."

Savi insists that Ishaan take some rest, knowing they have another night of driving ahead to reach Pune. Ishaan, feeling the fatigue, lets out a yawn and shrugs his shoulders in agreement. Savi guides him to their room, sets up the cooler, and draws the curtains to create a dimmer, more soothing ambiance. She carefully adjusts the pillows and retrieves a cotton blanket from the cupboard, ensuring his comfort.

"Please, do get some rest, Sir," Savi urges him, concern evident in her voice. But Ishaan insists that she also take some rest, reminding her of the uncomfortable position she endured while sleeping in the car during their journey.

"Savi remarks, "The bed isn't that big; we can't have two people sleeping comfortably with a pillow wall in between."

Ishaan teasingly responds, "Oh, come on! Don't you trust me? Or can't you control yourself?"

Savi playfully hits him with her fist before lying down beside him. It's the first time they're so close in bed with no obstacle between them. They face each other, their eyes locked in a silent exchange. Savi signals with her eyes for Ishaan to close his, but he shakes his head in response. Undeterred, she gently covers his eyes with her palms and plants a kiss on his forehead, murmuring in his ear, "Now sleep, okay?"

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