36 - Struggles With Emotions

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What just happened, must not have happened, Ishaan thinks and leaves the room.

Savi cherished the moment while getting ready in her nightwear, she was happy in her heart but feeling nervous in her mind and did not want to face her husband. She thinks let me go out and immediately sleep with a blanket covered till head.

She comes out and sees Ishaan is not in the room, she breathes relief thinking he must have gone out to make her comfortable, and she sleeps with a covered face.

After their intimate moment, both Savi and Ishaan found themselves caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. While their feelings for each other had never been clearer, the reality of their situation weighed heavily on their minds.


The next morning with a sigh, Savi pushed herself upright in bed, her thoughts consumed by the memory of the intimate moment she had shared with Ishaan. Despite the tender sweetness of their kiss, a sense of unease gnawed at her, knowing that their relationship had taken a new and uncertain turn.

As she glanced over at the empty space beside her, a pang of longing washed over her, wishing for Ishaan's comforting presence to ease her troubled mind.

But to her dismay, the bed remained vacant, a silent reminder of his absence.

She does not find him anywhere in the house, she reached college and saw that he has canceled all his lectures for the day.

There was a suffocative feeling in her, she wanted to talk but fell short of words and also not have the courage to go and confront him regarding his feelings.

She still hesitantly walks to his cabin, opens it half, and knocks on it. With a trembling hand, she rapped lightly on the door, her voice barely above a whisper as she called out to him.

"Ishaan Sir?" she called softly, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Can we talk?"

Inside the cabin, Ishaan froze at the sound of Savi's voice, his heart pounding in his chest as he grappled with a surge of conflicting emotions. Part of him longed to open the door and face her, to address the unresolved tension between them head-on. But another part of him, a part that he struggled to acknowledge, recoiled at the thought of confronting her after their intimate moment.

With a heavy heart, Ishaan made a decision, one born out of fear and uncertainty. Ignoring the turmoil raging within him, he remained silent, refusing to acknowledge Savi's presence or the invitation to talk.

He nods no and pays no attention!

Outside the cabin, Savi's heart sank at the lack of response, her hopes dashed against the cold silence of the closed door.

Desperate to break through the barrier that had sprung up between them, she called out to him once more, her voice tinged with frustration and longing.

"Ishaan Sir, please," she pleaded softly, her words echoing in the empty hallway. "We need to talk about last night. Please don't shut me out."

But her pleas fell on deaf ears as Ishaan remained resolute in his silence, his decision to avoid her fueled by a mixture of shame, desire, and uncertainty.

And as Savi stood alone in the hallway, her heart heavy with disappointment, she couldn't help but wonder how they would ever bridge the growing divide that threatened to tear them apart.


Shikha and Asmita are on the garden swing.

Shikha: "Kaku, don't you think Savi and Ishaan are changing? It looks like they are getting closer ever since they returned from the camp."

Asmita: "Wow, Shikha, you have mature eyes! You can see the same thing I do." She caresses Shikha's cheeks.

Shikha: "Yes, Kaku, who will be happier than me seeing a husband and wife staying together and getting closer? Not everyone can be as unlucky as me."

Asmita feels bad for Shikha and consoles her: "Shikha, things will get better for sure. I don't know when, why, or how, but my instinct says that both daughters-in-law of this house will soon get all the love they deserve from their husbands."

Shikha's phone rings; the screen says: "Chinmay Calling".

To be Continued... (Ishaan regrets avoiding Savi)

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