49 - The Clash At The College

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Ishaan waves her goodbye and before that offers to drop her to the college but she denies saying she is tempted for an auto ride today.

The morning air is crisp as Savi strides onto the college campus, her bag heavy with textbooks and notebooks. She's determined to make the most of her time before classes begin, knowing that exams are fast approaching. Finding a quiet corner in the library, she settles down with her study materials, her focus unwavering as she immerses herself in her studies. The soft rustle of pages turning is the only sound that accompanies her as she delves deeper into her books.


As the morning progresses towards noon, Jitudada makes his way through the bustling corridors of the college, with freshly prepared homemade food in the tiffin box. Savi's face lights up with a smile as she spots him, grateful for the nourishment he brings. Their brief exchange is filled with warmth and gratitude, a small moment of connection amidst the chaos of the college day.

Durva watches from a distance as Jitudada hands over the tiffin to Savi, a frown marring her features.

She can't shake the feeling of resentment that bubbles within her, fueled by the perceived favoritism shown towards Savi. It gnaws at her, the sense of injustice growing stronger with each passing moment.

Durva's frustration mounts as she witnesses Savi's seemingly effortless acceptance of the special treatment, her status as the Director's wife granting her privileges that others can only dream of.

Durva and her bestie Ayush, fueled by their resentment towards Savi's perceived privilege, hatch a devious plan to humiliate her in front of her classmates. They decide to orchestrate a collision with Savi that causes her tiffin to spill, leaving her hungry and embarrassed.


As soon as Savi walks into the canteen navigating through the crowded college corridors, absorbed in her studies, Durva and Ayush strategically position themselves in her path.

With a calculated shove, they collide with Savi, causing her to stumble and the tiffin to slip from her grasp.

The fresh and warm contents spill onto the floor, scattering food everywhere and drawing the attention of nearby students.

Savi's face flushes with embarrassment as she kneels to gather the scattered items, her hunger gnawing at her stomach.

Durva and Ayush stand by, wearing smug expressions as they offer half-hearted apologies, their true intentions hidden behind false sympathy.

Enraged by the deliberate act of sabotage, Savi confronts Durva and Ayush in a fit of righteous anger.

Savi: "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Durva and Ayush exchange smug glances before Durva responds with faux innocence.

Durva: "Oh, I'm so sorry, Savi! It was just an accident, you know how crowded the hallways can get."

Ayush chimes in, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Ayush: "Yeah, accidents happen all the time. Maybe next time you should watch where you're going, huh?"

Savi's fists clench at her sides, her patience wearing thin as she sees through their facade.

Savi: "Don't play dumb with me, Durva! I know this was no accident. You and your little lapdog here planned this."

Durva's expression hardens, her mask slipping to reveal a glimpse of the resentment simmering beneath the surface.

Durva: "And what if we did? What are you going to do about it, huh? Cry to your husband, who is the Director of this college, like you always do?"

Savi's eyes blaze with fury, her voice trembling with suppressed rage.

Savi: "I don't need to cry to anyone, Durva. I can handle you TWO on my own."

Ayush scoffs, rolling his eyes in disbelief.

Ayush: "Oh please, like you could handle anything without Hubby Director's protection."

Savi takes a step forward, her chin held high as she meets their gazes with steely determination.

Savi: "I don't need anyone's protection, Ayush. Least of all yours. So why don't you both crawl back to whatever hole you came from and leave me the hell alone."

Ayush, overcome with rage, steps forward to strike Savi.

But before he can follow through, a strong hand grabs his wrist from behind, twisting it painfully and stopping him in his tracks.

Ayush winces in pain as he turns to see who has intervened, his eyes widening in shock at the unexpected sight.

He was shocked to see the person who stopped her from striking Savi. 

And there, standing behind him with a fierce glint in their eyes is none other than Ishaan Sir, Savi's husband and the Director of the college.

To be continued... (Assignment submission day at college)

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