20 - Ishaan Leaves for Meeting & IshVi Misses Each Other

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After the vibrant Holi celebration at the college, Ishaan and Savi returned home, their hearts still buzzing with the echoes of laughter and joy. Despite the underlying happiness they both felt, an unspoken tension hung in the air as they went about their evening routine, pretending as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

As the night wore on, Ishaan quietly packed his bags, his movements deliberate but his mind racing with thoughts of Savi.

With a heavy heart, he bid her a brief farewell, masking his longing with a forced smile before heading off to Delhi for his business trip

"Take care of yourself, Savi," Ishaan said softly, his voice betraying the depth of his emotions. "Let me know if there's anything you need to tell me, I would be just a phone call away."

They bid adieu to each other without exchanging any words but lots of unspoken feelings lingered between them.

Ishaan descended the stairs, seeking the blessings of the elders before instructing the driver to take him to the airport.

From the balcony of their room, Savi watched his departure, her heart heavy with the weight of his absence.

Left alone in the quiet confines of their room, Savi tried to bury herself in her studies, the weight of Ishaan's absence lingering in the air like a palpable presence.

Despite her best efforts to focus, her thoughts kept drifting back to him, his absence creating a void that seemed impossible to fill.


Ishaan reaches Delhi and checks in the hotel. She calls the family that he has reached safely and thinks of informing Savi. Istead of dialing her number, he drops her a text, "Savi, I am in Delhi, wanted to convey that not for a week, but in 2 days I shall wrap up and come back day after. Take care""

In the bustling streets of Delhi, Ishaan found himself surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city, yet feeling strangely adrift without Savi by his side.

Every corner seemed to remind him of her, from the colorful chaos of the markets to the serene beauty of the parks. This is a newfound feeling which is awkward but addictive!

As the hours stretched on, Ishaan couldn't shake the feeling of longing that gnawed at him, his thoughts constantly returning to Savi. He missed her laughter, her warmth, her presence by his side.


Back in their quiet abode, Savi couldn't help but feel the emptiness of Ishaan's absence seeping into every corner of their room.

Her phone beeps, she checks the message and a slight curve appears on her lips defining a sense of relief. She just texts him back, "Thank you, best wishes, Good night Sir".

Despite the distance between them, she found solace in the memories of their time together, clinging to the hope that soon they would be reunited once this time gets over.

And so, amidst the hustle and bustle of their separate worlds, Ishaan and Savi remained connected by an invisible thread of love and longing, each day bringing them closer to the moment when they would be together again.

To be Continued... (Another day of IshVi away from each other and challenges they come across)

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