9- Ishaan Sir's lecture and student Savi's attendance

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Ishaan's car enters the parking of Bhosle Institute, Shuklaji comes forward and greets Good Morning, Sir and ..Ma...da...m

Both just give faded smiles to him. 

As they entered the bustling college campus, Ishaan and Savi felt a wave of nostalgia mixed with a tinge of awkwardness. The familiar sights and sounds of college life surrounded them, but now, they were not just teacher and student; they were husband and wife. It was very awkward for both of them to walk the corridor together.

Ishaan says, " I need to go for assembly, you please carry on"

Before Savi says anything, her gawachi gang runs towards her:" Hey Savi, after so long| Shaswat pats her back, were you on leave to study more so you can score more than us?"

Ishaan sees it and then walks off to his cabin.

After assembly, he reaches his classroom. Everything was as it was, but still, everything seemed quite new to him.

As he stepped up to the podium, he couldn't help but steal a glance at Savi, who had taken her regular seat among the students. She was exchanging notes with Shaswat and was alerted as the professor was about to start the class.

Clearing his throat, Ishaan began his lecture, trying to maintain his usual composure despite the new dynamic between them.

Savi, on the other hand, found it challenging to focus on the lesson as she sat amidst her classmates, aware of the eyes on her, now known as Mrs. Savi Ishaan Bhosle.

Throughout the lecture, their interactions were professional yet tinged with an underlying tension, both were acutely aware of the unspoken boundaries that now existed between them.

As the class drew to a close, Ishaan wrapped up his lecture and dismissed the students. 

Savi lingered for a moment, gathering her belongings, feeling a mix of emotions—gratitude for the opportunity to continue her education, but also a sense of unease at the newfound complexities of their relationship.

Silently, they walked out of the lecture hall together, navigating the crowded corridors of the college as husband and wife, each lost in their thoughts about the challenges and joys of this new chapter in their lives.

As they walked out of the lecture hall, Ishaan and Savi found themselves drawn to the familiar aroma of the college canteen.

Hesitantly, they entered the bustling canteen, scanning the crowded tables for a place to sit. Their eyes met briefly, both unsure of how to navigate this new territory. Should they sit together as a married couple or blend in with their colleagues like how they used to do earlier?

Suddenly, they found themselves standing in front of an empty table, unsure of what to do next.

Savi glanced at Ishaan, her heart racing with anticipation. "Um, should we...sit here?" she ventured, feeling a flush of embarrassment at the awkwardness of the situation.

Ishaan nodded, his own cheeks tinged with a hint of pink. "Sure, why not?" he replied, trying to sound casual despite the nervous flutter in his stomach."

As they settled into their seats, they couldn't help but feel the curious stares of their fellow students. 

Some whispered among themselves, while others openly gawked at the sight of the newlyweds sitting together in the canteen.

Unsure of how to break the tension, Savi nervously fiddled with her 50 50 biscuits, while Ishaan cleared his throat awkwardly. "So, uh, why are you not carrying your lunch? Did you forget to take it from Shikha Vahini, she is a great cook and always makes sure to pack my tiffin" he asked, attempting to make small talk.

Savi nodded, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Yeah, She did offer me, but I said I am ok, I was not sure whether I should carry the tiffin prepared by her," she replied, feeling a sense of relief at the opportunity to engage in conversation.

Ishaan nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Oh, you should. It's now your home too. Well, keep that 50-50 aside, Um, can we...share?" he asked tentatively, feeling a rush of nerves at the thought of sharing his food with his new wife.

Savi's eyes widened in surprise, but a warm smile spread across her face. "Sure, I'd love to," she replied, feeling a sense of joy at the thought of sharing this small moment of intimacy with Ishaan.

And so, they spent the rest of their lunch break chatting and laughing together, their worries and uncertainties melting away in the warmth of their shared meal. As they walked out of the canteen hand in hand, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as husband and wife.


At Bhosle House, Rao Saheb warns Surekha and Nishikant, "This reception is extremely important for us. Don't make any tamasha and do not let it happen from that girl. Today is Friday, keep that girl at home until this wraps up and then we will decide how to keep stopping her from going to college."

Surekha gets an idea, "Saheb, let them come in the evening, I will arrange a pooja for them tomorrow and then reception a day after tomorrow". Till then I will get a good time to plan further.

Nishikant suggests, "Why don't we keep Ishaan busy with medical college paperwork? I and he will work together and I will make sure that he stays away from her as far as possible"

Rao Saheb smirks and says, NishiKant is not always Nishi CANT

To be Continued......

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