59 - The Joyful Triumph: Celebrations & Achievements

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After a week, Ishaan and Savi went to the hospital to check on Harini's health. According to the doctor, she was improving and could regain consciousness at any moment. As Ishaan needed to get to college, he left, giving Savi some personal time to sit by her sister and reminisce about their life in Ramtek.

Taking her Tai's hands in hers, Savi confessed, "Tai, you are no less than my Aai. Arranging my marriage with Ishaan sir is the best thing you have ever done. I will forever be grateful to you." She expressed her deep connection and gratitude towards Ishaan, highlighting how he has supported her every step of the way in pursuing her dreams. Now, she felt fully prepared for her preliminary exams, with the results of her graduation set to be announced the next day.

The next day:

Both Ishaan and Savi sat in front of his laptop in his cabin early in the morning. The results had been verified and approved, ready to be announced to the students. This announcement was scheduled to occur by posting the results on the college website at 9 AM, as well as displaying them on notice boards within the campus, or sending individual notifications to students via email or SMS.

At 8:55, the website was a little slow due to heavy traffic. While Ishaan tentatively knew the results being the Director of the College, he willingly refrained from checking Savi's marksheet. He wanted to experience the moment as a husband and witness her reaction firsthand.

Savi was nervous, shaking her legs and rotating her fingers as she refreshed the website repeatedly. Finally, at 9:00 AM, the screen loaded, and unsurprisingly, Savi had achieved top honors, graduating with flying colors. She jumped with joy, tightly hugging Ishaan and spinning around while keeping him embraced.

Just then, Shuklaji entered with tea and coffee, coughing heavily to divert the atmosphere.

Savi broke away from the embrace but didn't let go of his hands. She called out, "Shukla Dada, today's lunch is on me. I have passed the examinations, and my parents would be proud of me, watching over me from above."

Beaming with gratitude towards Ishaan, she continued, "It wouldn't have been possible without your support... and love." Ignoring Shuklaji's presence, she kissed Ishaan's forehead with admiration and respect. Ishaan, holding her by the waist, lovingly smiled back at her.

He then took the tea and coffee from the tray, asked Shuklaji to leave the office, and served them both.

Ishaan distributed sweets to the entire college and hosted a lunch party for the staff members.

Yashwant Rao, Shantanu, and Nishikant were delighted as Savi, being a member of the Bhosle family, has elevated the college's reputation with her brilliance. Anvi and Durva had also passed exams with distinction and first class respectively.

Rao contacted the media to arrange interviews for Savi, while Nishikant called photographers to prepare posters for the notice board and pamphlets for distribution.

At home, Savi, Anvi, and Durva were welcomed by Shikha with a surprise family party. She, with the help of Jitubhai, decorated the hall, arranged drinks and food, and invited the entire batch of last year's students.

Shantanu and Isha also attended the celebration. 

Although Surekha felt a bit uncomfortable with Isha, she remained silent upon seeing Ishaan's favor towards his mother and Yashwant's happiness for the college's reputation being lifted by Savi's results.

As the festivities at the Bhosle Mansion continued, Ishaan disappeared for a moment, only to return with a beautifully decorated cake, adorned with vibrant colors and intricate designs. With a playful grin, he presented it to Savi, Anvi, and Durva, who stood side by side, their eyes bright with anticipation and excitement.

"Look what I brought!" Ishaan exclaimed, holding the cake aloft for all to see. "A little something to celebrate our incredible achievements!"

Savi's face lit up with delight as she admired the cake. "It's beautiful, Ishaan Sir!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine joy.

Anvi and Durva nodded eagerly in agreement, their smiles mirroring Savi's enthusiasm. "Yeah, it looks amazing, Ishaan Dada!" Anvi chimed in, reaching out to touch the delicate frosting.

With a flourish, Ishaan produced a knife and handed it to Savi, call Anvi and Durva to stand besides her, left and right. "Shall we do the honors?" he asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Savi and his sisters nodded eagerly, taking the knife with a sense of pride and purpose. "Absolutely!" she replied, her voice brimming with excitement.

Together, the three Bhosle ladies leaned in close, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the candles. With a steady hand, Savi made the first incision, slicing through the cake with precision and grace.

As the first slice was lifted from the cake, the room erupted into cheers and applause. "To Savi, Anvi, and Durva!" Ishaan proclaimed, raising his glass in a toast. "May your success be just the beginning of many more wonderful achievements to come!"

The Bhosle ladies exchanged warm smiles as they each took a slice of cake, savoring the moment and the sweetness of their victory. With each bite, they felt a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that they had worked hard and earned their success together as a family.

With dance, drama, music, and fun the day at Bhosle Mansion ended with pride and happiness. Their joy knew no bounds.

To be Continued... (Savi Surprises Ishaan)

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