25 - An Awkward Night for Ishaan & Savi

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The family of four enjoyed a wholesome dinner together. Ishaan signaled to Savi that it was time to leave. Savi stepped forward and touched the feet of Shantanu and Isha, saying, "Baba, Aai, we have to leave now."

Hearing Baba and Aai's words echoed in Savi's voice was music to the ears of all three. Isha hugged her and pleaded with her to visit more often, reminding her to stay with them during her exam preparations and exams, as there were only a few weeks left.

Savi nodded in agreement, grabbed her bag, and stepped out with Ishaan. Shantanu accompanied them to the parking area to see them off. Isha's eyes were fixed on her dear son, Ishaan, who had made her a proud mother-in-law by marrying her favorite girl.

Ishaan noticed that both front tires were punctured, feeling frustrated as it was 11 PM with no chance of finding a mechanic in that area at that time. He could have managed if it were only one tire, using the spare wheel.

Despite checking for cabs, drivers were constantly canceling the rides. Shantanu intervened, "Where will you go now? It's night, and there are no autos in this area. Come inside, rest, and tomorrow morning we'll find a mechanic to fix it. Both of you can leave early by cab. I'll take care of the car and make sure it reaches your college by the time you arrive."

Ishaan looked at Savi, expecting her to object. Savi looked back at Isha, her eyes longing for them to stay. Understanding her silent plea, she said, "Sir, I think Baba is right. We're not superheroes who can walk home, and we won't find any transportation at this time. Plus, I can't sleep in car seats. I'll go inside. You decide what you want to do. Good night," and walked toward the entrance.

With a frustrated expression, Ishaan followed behind Savi. Both Isha and Shantanu chuckled to themselves, feeling extremely happy that their daughter-in-law would have a proper grah pravesh by spending the night with them.

Ishaan caught up to Savi and grabbed her arm, "What is this? Do you think I would be happy sleeping in the car? I am Ishaan Bhosle, who has always slept on a Dunlop mattress."

Savi playfully nudged Ishaan with her elbow. "Well, well, Mr. Dunlop Mattress, looks like you'll have to make do with a regular bed tonight."

Ishaan smirked. "Right, because nothing says adventure like a punctured tire and a night at your in-laws'," he replied, earning a playful eye-roll from Savi.

Meanwhile, ISHANU comes who were silently enjoying their banters.

Ishaan walks off to the room where in his childhood he used to sleep. He enters and feels a warmth, everything is as it is but replaced with modern furniture, Savi comes and stands beside him.

She rolls her eyes, Sir the room is good but from where we will get a bunch of extra pillows to create a wall.

Ishaan makes a face, "Do you expect me to go and ask for this, and what should I reply if they ask the purpose?

Don't do naatak, let's sleep, we have to wake up early as well."

Shantanu knocks on the door, both turn to look at him.

He smiles and asks if everything is alright. He shows a cupboard where some clothes are there which they can use as night wears and hands over his bag to him, in case he needs a laptop or charger.

Ishaan becomes happy as if he remembered something, says Thank you and asks Shantanu to leave as he feels sleepy.

After he leaves, Savi asks, "What was that? From which corner of your eye, do you look sleepy?

"You only know how to ask questions. Go freshen up; I'll go after you," Ishaan retorted.

Savi retrieved a long kurta, likely belonging to Ishaan's mother, from the cupboard and went to the washroom. Meanwhile, Ishaan closed the door, arranged the pillow for a headrest, and relaxed on his bed. He then retrieved a small package from his bag, wrapped in golden paper and pink ribbons.

As Savi emerged from the washroom and began combing her hair, Ishaan approached her from behind. Confused, Savi glanced at him, but Ishaan motioned for her not to worry.

Focused on her hair, Savi didn't respond, prompting Ishaan to tease her, "You're so boring, Savi. I'm waiting for you to ask why I'm here."

Still silent, Savi turned back to face him, teasingly stating, "Sir, this is a mirror. If I can see you, I can surely see the hidden packet in your hand."

Caught, Ishaan confessed, "While in Delhi, I had a few hours to spare at the airport, so I thought I'd do some shopping for you. I don't know your preferences or size."

"Size? Did you buy shoes for me?" Savi quipped innocently.

Ishaan laughed at her innocence. "No, you're silly. Let me finish."

"Fine, you open it yourself," Ishan handed her over the packet.

Savi accepts it and sees it from all four sides, noticing there was no label on the card, she understands his discomfort.

Upon opening the box, she found a beautiful designer red dupatta. Her eyes conveyed her appreciation and love for the thoughtful gift.

To be Continued...

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