54 - Finally Exams Completed

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Ishaan waves goodbye after wishing her the best of luck, and she decides that once her exams are over, she will wholeheartedly become Mrs. Ishaan Bhosle, in all senses.


A fortnight of Exams:

The entire 15 days of time were heavily spent on examinations. Ishaan, being her husband, was not allowed to act as a supervisor or in charge as his own wife was appearing for the exams. But he made sure to daily pick her up from ISHANU home, drop her at the exam center, sit outside the hall for straight three hours, and then drop her back home while discussing paper, answers, and possible marks all the way. He was extremely serious about her peak of career and hence was only acting as her guardian and professor to not distract her in any affection.

During breaks between exams, Ishaan used to wait patiently for her outside the examination hall, a thermos of hot tea and a snack pack in hand, ready to provide her with the much-needed sustenance and comfort. He made sure to offer words of encouragement, reminding her of her capabilities and the hard work she had put in. Sometimes, he shared anecdotes or cracked a joke to lighten the mood, ensuring she didn't succumb to the pressure.

In the evenings, as they return home, he used to take charge of preparing coffee, knowing she was mentally exhausted from the day's exams.

And after dinner, he used to insist on giving her a relaxing massage, easing away the tension that had built up throughout the day.

Throughout the entire ordeal, Ishaan's unwavering presence served as a pillar of strength for her, his love and support unwavering even in the face of the daunting exams.


Last Day of Exams:

On the last day of her exams, she messaged Ishaan, "Hello Ishaan Sir, Today you don't need to wait for me, it's my last exam so I shall be late as I need to bid adieu to my ex-colleagues and gawachi gang."

Ishaan read the message and felt a pang of awkwardness. He had been excited to pick her up on her last exam day, but he quickly made up his mind and replied casually, encouraging her to enjoy her time with her friends.

Savi, in her mind, was all set to become his "dulhan" and surprise him.

After the paper was over, she hugged all her dearest friends tightly. They all got sentimental, knowing they were about to head back to their hometowns and get busy with their lives. They exchanged addresses, contact numbers, and promises to stay in touch with each other.

Savi reached home and immediately embraced Isha Mam and Shantanu Sir, her heart filled with warmth at seeing them. She then began packing her bags, preparing for the next chapter of her life. As Savi was packing, Isha Mam entered the room with a small gift in her hand. She approached her with a soft smile, her eyes reflecting her care and love. She handed over the gift to Savi, her fingers brushing against hers gently as she accepted it, her hand lingering for a moment in a comforting squeeze.

Savi unwrapped the package and found a beautiful bridal red saree and exquisite golden-red ornaments. She understood the intent behind the gift and gave a shy smile, her cheeks flushing slightly with embarrassment. Noticing her daughter's shyness about starting her "married" life, Isha Mam sat next to her, placing her hand on her shoulder in a reassuring gesture, her touch gentle and comforting.

"Tonight, your Baba and I are heading to Shirdi and will stay there for two days. You can call Ishu Bala here and leave tomorrow," Isha Mam said gently, offering reassurance, her eyes filled with maternal warmth and understanding.

Savi started to shiver as she clearly understood that Isha Mam wanted them to consummate their wedding at their home. However, Isha Mam smiled at her warmly and continued, "Savi Bala, it's just an hour until our bus leaves. We need to rush. Your Baba has already called Ishu; he must be on the way."

With the saree in her hand and her heart racing, Savi stood there, processing the sudden turn of events, her fingers trembling slightly as she clutched the fabric.


Ishaan came home and expressed concern, "Aai, Baba, you should have told me earlier. I would have arranged for the driver and car. Why are you traveling by bus, especially at night?"

Shantanu chuckled, offering a wise insight, "Bala, you'll understand this when you're in your late 50s. Wives always need their personal time in their own way." The comment elicited laughter from everyone present.

Isha Mam intervened, "Savi hasn't come yet. You can sit inside and wait for her. She must be having her happy time with her friends. And it's too late, so you should stay here tonight; otherwise, I would be extremely worried."

Ishaan hugged his mom and nodded, "Aai, I'm no longer that kid Ishu, but feel free. We'll be here until you both come back."

As a cab arrived, he helped them arrange their luggage, waved goodbye, and then returned inside the house. Sitting on the sofa, he attempted to watch TV, but nothing seemed worth his time, so he switched it off. Suddenly, he heard a noise from Savi's room. Curiosity piqued, he moved towards it, thinking, "Who could be there? She hasn't come home yet!"

He opened the door and saw...

To be continued... (ISHVI consummates their wedding)

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