Chapter 2

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A/N: I decided to write 1 more chapter since i had some ideas :) I had to change the name from 'Y/N' because it got a bit difficult for me... i had no idea why. But yeah... well enjoy!

*Next Day*
Sammie's P.O.V:
I woke up to the sound of my roommate Taylor's hair dryer.
"Oh sorry Sammie. I didnt mean to wake you"
"Its alright" I rubbed my eyes and checked the time on my phone. It was already 7:00am.
After a little debate of whether to wake up or not, i decided to get up, at least to look presentable on my first day of school right?
I walked over to the bathroom mirror and tried to make my eyes focus. When they finally decided to focus, i stared at myself for a while.
I had long black/brown straight hair that reached my butt (yeah it was pretty long). My eyes were plain brown, and i was at a decent height of 5'4. My skin color was tannish, and im mexican-american :)
Taylor on the other hand was 5'7 (yup taller than me). She had short hair but it was dyed blonde and wavy. She had blue eyes and her skin complection was really light. Nobody would guess she spoke spanish.
I started curling my hair and after i finished i changed into a cardigan, some jeans, and my tall brown ugg boots.
I walked out and Taylor was already dressed too.
"Sammie! You look so pretty and i love your hair... te tengo celos!"
"Gracias :) But youre way prettier than me" I grabbed my bag and i stepped out the door. The cold air touched my face and i could instantly feel my whole body start to shiver.
I started to walk towards my first class, it was history. I pulled my cardigan closer together, and i instantly felt a bit warmer. When i finally arrived at my 1st class, there was a guy sitting outside the steps, he was wearing a black coat and a scarf. He seemed warm. He also had his hair in a quiff.
"Umm...excuse me? I think youll freeze if you dont go in the classroom soon" I said trying to make the guy go inside the class. It was way too cold outside.
"Oh thanks but im perfectly fine. The class doesnt start in another 20 minutes" He responded, looking up at me and smiling. Oh god. It was that guy again.
"Really?! Out of thousands of people at this school, i had to have you in one of my classes!? Ugh"
"What? You already forgot my name?"
I ignored him and walked inside the class. Of course i remember his name. Its Geoffrey. I sat on a seat in the very front. Everyone had taken the back seats. I took out my laptop, notebook, and pencil... and i sat to think for a while.
He's a bad boy and a player, i know that. But, his arms look so strong and his dark brown eyes look like they can see through my soul. He was pretty cute i had to admit. But he's probably really dumb and stupid.
A few minutes later a girl walked in and sat next to me. She wore glasses and by her appearance, she seemed really smart.
"Is it okay if i sit here?"
"Of course"
"My name is Crystal by the way"
"Well nice to meet you Crystal. I'm Sammie" She smiled at me. She seemed really nice.
A couple minutes later, another girl walked in, making all the guys whistle. She was a tall, blonde girl and she was wearing some really short shorts and a v-neck shirt that practically showed... well everything.
"Thats Stephanie. She's the cool girl in school-"
"School slut too huh?" I asked Crystal. She laughed a little.
"I mean i guess you can say that too" we both started giggling and then i noticed there was a guy sitting at my right. (Crystal was sitting at my left)
"Sorry. Did you hear what we said?"
"About that girl being the school slut..yeah"
"Omg. Sorry. Its just not trying to be mean but..she's-"
"Nah its okay. Just look at her. Its probably true" He laughed a little too.
"Well im Sammie by the way. And your name is?"
"My name is Nick. Nick Jonas"
"Cool. Nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you too. Its my 1st year here"
"Mine too! And this is my friend Crystal" Crystal turned around and smiled.
"Hey Crystal"
"Um..hi" She was a bit nervous.
About 5 minutes later, the teacher walked in with the rest of the class. Geoffrey walked in too.
He started walking my way, so i instantly turned around.
"Hey can you move? I really want to sit here" He asked Crystal. She started grabbing her things.
"No. Crystal stay here, you sat here first" i sat her back down. Geoffrey smirked and walked towards Nick.
"Hey dude can you move?" Nick turned to look at me and i shaked my head no.
"Sorry dude. I sat here first. Theres many seats still open"
"Look-" Geoffrey grabbed Nick by his shirt collar... "-You dont tell me what to do. Got it?! Now move!"
"Im not moving... Its not like you own this school" Said Nick. Crystal started panicking.
"Geoffrey do you really need to sit here? Cant you sit over there somewhere?" I asked.
"No. Because i want to sit next to you" He smirked again showing off his dimples.
"Awwe. But i dont want to sit next to you, so back off!" Nick laughed.
"Everyone take a seat. Class is about to start!" Geoffrey finally left.
"You know him? Is he like your ex or something?" Asked Nick.
"Oh no. I met him yesterday, but he doesnt leave me alone"
The day finally ended and i went back to my dorm. Taylor was already there waiting for me with a pizza.
"I ordered pizza for us!"
"Awe thanks" I put my bag down and i grabbed a plate.
"So how was your first day? ;)"
"Not that bad"
"What happened?"
"Theres this guy-"
"You like him?? You already have a crush on someone?? Damn"
"No! Oh god no. Theres this guy that bothers me soo much. He follows me around and the worst thing is that we have 3 classes together!"
"Who is he? Whats his name?"
"Its his 2nd year here. So he's a sophomore"
"Maybe i know him then. Whats his name?"
"I know him! He's like the most popular guy in school. He's hot!" She winked.
"He annoys me a lot. Look yesterday i saw him when i went to get my locker.... he um...-"
"He what? Tell me"
"He wanted me to go to his dorm and 'hang out' just the 2 of us" I took a bite of my pizza. It was delicious.
"Youve got game then. 1st day and you already have an admirer"
"But its different he's probably been with a bunch of girls"
"He only goes for the popular or pretty ones normally. But yeah he just uses them for fun"
"I knew it!" Of course. He had to be one of those guys.
"But he's hot! I wouldnt care if he just used me-"
"Youre crazy. Theres lots of cute but nice guys out there too"
"You said it! Cute, not hot"
:) (:

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