Royce Concert!! X)

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Okay everybody! So this is how it went...



I got my tickets, VIP lanyard, Signed Prince Royce poster, and a super cute water bottle that said Prince Royce across it! Its really awesome lol...

Anyways, after that it was the meet and greet and all of the girls at the meet and greet were lined up in a single file row.

I was about the 10th girl in line.

There was a little curtain thing and you had to go through it to take the picture with Royce.

Royce's security guard (he was huge btw) would call us up 1 by 1 to take the picture.

He was sooo done with us because we were all screaming and yelling 😂

They gave us less than 1 minute each! Seriously! You didnt have time to actually talk to Royce! And i was so sad about that 😭

So he said 'Next!' And i was like omg thats me!

So i walked over to the curtain and Royce was standing right there in front of me!!!! Like ughhhhhh! 😣

So i froze there for about 3 seconds just staring at him and then Royce started laughing at me 😂

I then ran over to him and hugged him super tight! I didnt even say anything and he hugged me back!

So at that point i was dying.

Then... i somehow which i still dont know how it happened.
Um... my hand started roaming his abs 😉 but i honestly and im super serious when im saying this... i didnt mean to do that at all! It just happened and Royce laughed again and he yelled "I Love You!" And i fell even more in love with him!

And he didnt just say "I Love You" he seriously yelled it! 😍

Soooo yeah i didnt mean to do that!! So dont think i had that planned or anything but he didnt even feel uncomfortable lol 😂

Oh and guys sadly i couldnt steal a kiss! 😭 The security guy was like 'Im sorry but no kisses because he already has his make-up!"


At first i thought he said I Love You to everybody but he didnt!

I talked to about 10 other girls and all of them told me they didnt even talk... it was just like "oh hows your day.... okay bye"

So i felt super special 😚

The concert itself was awesome too! He took his shirt off and he was super handsome ugh.....

And idk if you guys have noticed but he started wearing man buns!

He wore it to the concert and i mean he still looks hot in a man bun but i really wanted to see his quiff!!!! 😭

Alrighty i think thats all lol....

If you guys have more questions you guys can comment! And i will answer every single one of them! :)

I Fell In Love With The Perv (Prince Royce Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now