Chapter 19 : Touchdown

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The picture on the media thingy is Zach ^^^
He's pretty cute huh? ;)
Lol back to the story....

After school, Geoffrey went over to my dorm so we could finish our project. I realized it was friday and we couldve worked on the project the whole weekend but oh well...

"I did all the research already...We just have to write it on the poster and organize it-" He spoke up smiling.

"Wait what? I thought...I thought we would do the research together and...-"

"Nope. I did the research, we can just decorate the poster together" I smiled back but it felt more like a creepy smile.

"Alrighty then.."
I started drawing crowns around the poster while Geoffrey printed out the research.

"Where's your roommate?" He suddenly asked.

I shrugged "Idk. Probably with Sean like always"

"Theyre always together. I havent even hung out with Sean in a while"

"I guess thats how it feels when your friends are in relationships and you arent" I said and instantly regretted it. I felt Geoffrey's gaze on me and i tried to avoid it.

"Um... Did you print that out already?" I pointed to the printer.

"Yeah here you go... We're done. And its still early... I was wondering if maybe-"
My phone started ringing.

"Um..hello?" I answered not knowing who it was.

"Hey Sammie!" It was Zach.

"Oh hey" I felt a smile forming on my face.

"So we have our first playoff game tonight and i was wondering if you wanted to go? You can invite someone if you want..."

"Yeah that sounds great! See you later"

"Ill see you there then"
I hung up and smiled back at Geoffrey.

"Sorry. What were you saying?"

"Um.. i was wondering that..since its still early maybe you wanted to go out somewhere? For dinner? Or a movie?"

"Well, Zach invited me to his game tonight you wanna go with me?"
His smile faded away.

"I dont know if i can-" He scratched the back of his head.

"C'mon so i wont be lonely. Pleaasse??" I tried convincing him.

"Fine. But just for a little while"


"Touchdown! From our quarterback Zach once more!"

"Damn Zach's good huh?"

"I was better" Said Geoffrey under his breath.

"You were better?"

"I didnt say anything"

"Yeah you did. Im pretty sure you're good too. Why didnt you play this year?"

"I just didnt want to. Its too much responsibility"
The cheerleaders made a cheer during half time and all the football players walked over to the snack bar. It was getting chilly outside and i had forgotten a sweater. Like always. I mean i have to start carrying sweaters.

"Hey Sammie im going to the snack bar you want anything?" Asked Geoffrey.

"Um.. a hot chocolate would be cool"

"Im pretty sure itll be warm not cool but okay" He walked off and i didnt understand what he meant until i repeated it to myself for a while.
I laughed and everyone just stared at me. People can be so judgemental.
I felt someone tap on my shoulder from behind and i turned around to see Zach all sweaty.

"Aaaah! You scared me" I jumped a little.

"Lol sorry. Are you liking the game? We're doing good huh?"

"Yeah. I mean they have a great quarterback"

"Why thank you. Hey are you cold?" He asked probably looking at the way i kept shivering.

"Yeah kind of. Its chilly out here"
He ran back to the field and grabbed his football bag.
Well, i guess he left me here without even a goodbye.
I saw the rest of the football players run back to the field and Zach came running back with his football sweater in hands.

"Here Sammie put this on. I gotta go-" He ran and stopped halfways down the field.

"-the next touchdown i make is for you!"

"Awwe!" The crowd yelled and i turned bright red.
He smiled and started running again after the coach screamed his name.
I put the sweater on and it had his last name and number in the back, it fit me kind of big.
"Here's your cool chocolate haha... the line was long, didnt have that sweater before did you?" Geoffrey raised his eyebrow which btw was adorable.

"No. Its Zach's. I got kind of chilly and he let me use it-"

"I wouldve let you borrow my sweater if you wanted... "

"I wasnt gonna leave you without a sweater. But thank you" I smiled at him and focused back on the game.
The game ended and the crowd started walking off to congratulate everyone. Our team had won and the other team was out of playoffs.
I didnt notice but Geoffrey had walked off. I thought maybe he had gone to the snack bar again.
Zach started running my way and hugged me.

"Haha okay? What was that for?" I laughed.

"For coming and supporting us. Im so happy we won. This is such a big accomplishment..."

"Youre very welcome. And thanks for the sweater... you saved me, i was freezing" I took off the sweater and handed it to him.

"Its fine. Just keep it, i dont need it" He gave it back.

"No its yours. Here" I gave it back to him once more.

"Here. Youre going to get sick. Take it"

"Ugh fine. Ill give it back to you tomorrow"

"I wont take it back :P" I laughed at the way he acted. Its like he was a child.
I started walking to the parking lot and i dialed Geoffrey's number on my way over there. I heard a phone ringing close to me and i was pretty sure it was Geoffrey's phone. I turned around and there was Geoffrey and one of the cheerleaders kissing...
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you guys had an awesome day!
P.S.... are you guys liking the story change? Its going to change a bit in the next chapters...

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