Chapter 4

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Sammie's P.O.V:
"Are we gonna finish that one project for biology class?" I asked Geoffrey. He didnt answer, instead he changed the topic.
"Do you live far from here?"
"I have a dorm, its all the way to the other side of the campus though-"
"I can give you a ride?"
"No. Ill just call my friend..." I grabbed my phone and dialed Taylor's phone number.
Just my luck. No answer.
"She doesnt answer. Um... i guess ill just meet her over there"
"No. Ill give you a ride really. C'mon"
"Im not crazy. Id rather walk"
"C'mon. Its a long walk"
"No. I said its o-" He cut me off.
"Hop on" We stopped in front of a black motorcycle.
"Youre kidding right?"
I am so going to regret this later.
I climbed in, and i wrapped my hands around his waist.
He sped off. The wind blew on my hair and i grabbed his waist tighter.
"Geoffrey, are you sure this is safe?"
"Nope" He chuckled.
He turned to the corner, and we came to a stop.
"Hey, can we please finish that biology project?"
Geoffrey rolled his eyes.
"Just make stuff up-"
"But...-" He cut me off.
"Fine. Meet me at school tomorrow morning"
I simply nodded.
"Bye Sammie"
I walked inside my dorm and i heard Geoffrey speed off. Taylor was already in the dorm.
"Sammie! Why didnt you answer my calls??"
"You called me?" I took out my phone and i had 3 missed calls.
"Yeah, right after you called me, i couldnt answer but i called you back"
"Oh sorry.."
"Nah its okay. So we really have to go shopping for the pool party soon" I really wasnt excited at all. I dont really like parties, not even a pool party.
I really wanted to tell Taylor everything that happened in school today...but she would probably think i like Geoffrey or something.
"Yeah well im really tired i think ill go to sleep already"
"Okay. Goodnight"
So this is like really short... but i love getting comments from you guys! So i decided to make you guys a tiny bit happy and post this!! :))
Ill update next week probably...

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