Chapter 28 : I Hate Her

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I woke up at 7:00 like always to get ready. Ryan was still sleeping so i tried not to make much noise.

I curled my hair and threw on the first thing i found. By 7:40 i heard Ryan wake up.

He got ready in 5 minutes. Literally.

"Sammie can you show me around? Just tell me where room #126 with Mr.Woods is at. Its my first period" He said while grabbing his black backpack.

"I have that class first period!"

"Alright. I guess we can walk together then"

We started walking to Mr.Woods' class and i couldnt stop but stare at him. He's so handsome. And he doesnt even try to be! Ugh

"Alright this is it. Mr.Woods' class" I smiled at him and started walking towards the door.

"Wait! Um... is there anything i should be aware of? Like the teacher or some students?"

"Hm... Mr.Woods is really nice, so dont worry about him. There is a girl in the back, her name is Stephanie, i hate her-" My face turned red.

"You hate her? And why would that be?"

"She wants to make my life miserable and she's a slut" I pulled his hand so we could walk into class. We only had 2 minutes

We walked in and just like i imagined, Stephanie couldnt keep her eyes off of Ryan. She made her typical move of bending down and she gave him a sticky note with her phone number on it.

"What is this?" Whispered Ryan to me, showing me the sticky note.

"Its her number. Her typical slut move-..." Before i could finish, Stephanie yelled at me.

"Hey! You slut! Dont talk to him. It doesnt look like he tends to be around sluts!" She yelled and you could hear people screaming in the back "oooohhh"

"If he doesnt tend to be around sluts, i suggest you dont get near him" I spit back.


"You little bit**!" She yelled at me.

Everyone turned to look at each other and laughed. What kind of comeback was that?

"You make me laugh! Hahaha! I got a poem for you;
Twinkle twinkle little star,
Name one boy you havent fu****
Was he skinny? Was he tall?
Oh nevermind. You do them all!"

"Oooohh dammnn!"

Stephanie stayed quiet. So i walked to my seat (next to her), and i hadnt realized i left Ryan. I couldnt see him anywhere.

I turned to the right and i saw Geoffrey laughing. I bet it was the fight. His eye was actually black. I felt really bad, somehow that was my fault.

"Hey slut!" Ugh Stephanie again.

"What do you want!?"

"Is that dude you walked in with your new boyfriend?" She laughed a little.

"No. He went to my old school. Why? You want him?"

"Hm.. I just wanted to know. I guess this wont bother you much then"

She walked to the front of the class where Ryan was at getting a pen from the teacher's desk.

She pulled his shirt and kissed him. Ryan pulled away right after.

My eyes widened a bit but then i calmed down.

"And she says she's not a slut" I said and everyone started laughing again.

Stephanie rolled her eyes and walked back to her seat.

About 5 minutes later Mr.Woods walked in. Like seriously, if the principal knew he's always late he wouldve already gotten fired.

"Hey class. Im sorry im late-..."

"Again" yelled the whole class.

"Yes again. Lets get started. I believe we have a new student in the class...hmm where is he?" He looked around and finally spotted Ryan.

"That would be me." Said Ryan smiling.

"Okay Ryan right?"

"Yes im Ryan"

"We have to get started with class. Where would you like to sit? You can pick your spot since you're new"

"Well there's only one spot open-"

"You can move someone if you want. It doesnt matter"

"Okay. Can i mover that girl in the red? I want to sit next to Sammie"

He was talking about Stephanie. Yes! Im glad she's finally moving away from me.

"Oooohh!" Yelled the class. Ugh. They cant see a girl and a guy be friends without thinking theyre dating!

Tbh? I didnt mind.

Ryan sat next to me and Stephanie moved away.
Before she left she told me one last thing.

"I thought you werent together. Im glad i kissed him now. That probably made you red angry. BTW he's hot"

I rolled my eyes. I hate that girl so much.

Heeeey! This chapter was a
Did you guys like it?!
I hope you guys did :)

(Did you guys watch the music video for Culpa Al Corazon!? Omg my baby 😭 He got beat up anyways i still liked the video.... i mean i got jealous that his gf was in it but it was a good video)

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