Sequel Part 6

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*Next Day*

I slept perfectly well, for the first time in months! This child of mine, lets just say he might become an olympic gold medalist.

He moves sooo much!

There was a knock on my door. Ive only been here for 3 days, who could it possibly be...

I opened the door to be greeted by a hug and a kiss. From Geoffrey.

"You're back?" I asked a little too excited.

"I knew you missed me too. And yes im back" He answered.

"What did you want now?" I asked going back to my bad attitude.

"I need to tell you something that i shouldve told you years ago. I was too scared i would lose you back then, but i guess now i cant lose something i dont have-..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Remember how you asked me what this small scar on my cheek was? And i got really mad and never told you?" He said, and i instantly remembered.

"Of course. I thought you were gonna beat me up that time-..." I laughed a little.

"Yeah. Well, um... i got it in a gang fight..."

"A gang!? Geoffrey, please dont tell me you're in a gang!" I yelled at him super angrily.

"Im not anymore. I used to be in one. When i was in high school. I almost joined it again in college but you saved me from it" He said intertwining our fingers.

"Geoffrey! What the hell! Why did you join it in the first place!?" I yelled moving away from him.

This seriously scared me.

"I was stupid. I was super popular in high school and i thought everything was just so...easy. I joined the gang thinking it was whatever-..." He said looking out at the distance. He was like zoning out.

"That is seriously the most stupid thing ive ever heard..." I told him.

"And... i have something else to tell you"

"What is it?"

"I think thats the reason why you almost got kidnapped yesterday-.."

"Wait what?" I yelled.

He has got to be kidding.

"Ive been getting threats and they probably know about you already-..." I instantly cut him off.

"I love you Geoffrey. I seriously do, but i dont want to risk my baby's life right now-"

"And you wont! If you just decided to settle down with me we can move somewhere far away and ill protect you two"

"Would we be moving with Emeraude too?!" I asked bringing back the Emeraude topic.

Okay! So i know i took forever to update i havent been busy i just totally forgot so sorry!

Thanks to yareth2002 for reminding me! :)

Anyways... Vote!


I want to share something with you guys! X)

Im going to meet Prince Royce next week! :) X)

Im super excited! Its the 2nd time i see him!

But this time ill actually get to like touch him! (because i bought VIP tickets X))


Are you guys happy for me!?

Yes? No? Maybe so?

Ill let you guys know how it goes! X)


What do you guys think i should do when im with him?

-Steal a kiss?
-Steal his wallet?
-um.. steal his heart?

Lol XD

Comment! ----------->>>>>

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