Chapter 5 : Bipolar

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A/N: Really quick... so Prince Royce and Ariana Grande are just an hour away from me, so we're like basically breathing the same air! Ugh i wish i couldve gone to see him...
Just him....
Not Ariana...
Anyways back to the story...

I laid in my bed, thinking about Geoffrey. He was beyond handsome, but there was still something about him that made him a little scary.
I closed my eyes and i fell asleep instantly.
It was another cold freezing day. I sat down in the steps outside my biology class. I took out the interview paper and waited for Geoffrey to arrive.
Class was about to start and Geoffrey still wasnt here.
Would he really bail on me?
I swung my bag over my shoulder and i stood up, thats when i saw him walking towards me.
He was wearing a black shirt and some loose fitted jeans. He somehow stood out from all the guys walking next to him.
"Ready to finish this crap?" I just nodded. We walked over to the nearest tree and we sat down to finish the project.
While he asked me questions, i couldnt stop but stare at him. I took a look at his face closely and that's when i noticed he had a scar on his right cheek.
"Okay so whats your favorite thing to do? Not including staring at me" he smirked. Damn it. He caught me.
I was about to protest, but there was no use. He obviously caught me.
How did that scar get there? I knew better than to ask him straight out, was just really suspicious.
We kept asking each other questions, and then the bell rang. Geoffrey got up and left without even saying bye.
I decided i had to tell someone, maybe Crystal could help me.
I walked inside my biology class and i took my seat next to Geoffrey's.
Mr.Woods still wasnt there, so we had a couple minutes to talk.
"C-can i ask you something?" I turned to look at Geoffrey.
"Depends what it is" He was chewing gum.
"How did you get that scar on your cheek?"
Right after i asked the question i regretted it. I cant believe i actually asked him that.
Im not the kind of person to be getting into other people's business, but something inside me urged me to ask.
He started tensing up a little.
Then, he narrowed his eyes and balled his fists. He scared me a bit.
"None of your business!" His voice was so angry. It sounded like he was holding venom in his voice. His eyes pierced at mine and i was seriously getting scared.
I scooted my chair a bit further from him.
"Sorry, i-i shouldnt have asked" I looked anywhere but at Geoffrey.
Mr.Woods walked into class and started collecting the interview papers.
"Oh and Samantha, i need to talk to you after class" My stomach dropped. And i think he noticed.
"-dont worry. Youre not introuble" I breathed out a sigh of relief and Geoffrey just chuckled next to me.
I swear Geoffrey is so weird. One moment he's mad at me and then he's laughing at me.
Mr.Woods continued his lesson and i just took notes.
I noticed Stephanie was writing on a sticky note. She bent over her desk practically showing everything with another one of her signature v-neck shirts.
Of course, the guys around her just stared at her and drooled. Geoffrey didnt even seem to care. He didnt look at her at all.
Stephanie passed on the note to a guy and that guy passed it to Geoffrey.
Somehow i was really curious about the note so i pretended to be writing the date on my paper and through the corner of my eye, i looked as Geoffrey crumbled the note and threw it in the trash without even reading it. He rolled his eyes and yawned too.
15 minutes later, the bell rang and Geoffrey was the first person out the door.
I walked to Mr.Woods' desk.
"Mr.Woods? You needed me?" I asked.
Mr.Woods was around 50 years old. He had a lot of hair actually and it was mostly grey. He was really tall too, and nice.
"Listen Samantha. I wanted to ask you something really important. Look, i know Geoffrey uh...he isnt the best student in this class. I was hoping that maybe you could tutor him?"
Oh my god. Me? Tutor Geoffrey? Yeah right.
"I dont thi-" He cut me off.
"How about a deal? If you tutor him, ill give you extra credit" This teacher knew me all too well. I love extra credit.
"Okay. Ill do it"
"Thank you! Ill let him know later"
I walked out and into my next class.
BTW thanks for reading! I hope you guys really enjoy this story

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