Chapter 14 : Romeo And Juliet

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I turned around getting ready to walk away, but he spinned me around and he.... He kissed me. The first thing i thought of doing was slapping him. So i did.
"What was that? Wait, no. I deserve it. Look im so sorry Sammie. I just thought i would make your life easier if i stayed away from you.Please forgive me"
"I-i dont think i can. Sorry" I started walking away. Deep down i wanted to forgive him. That kiss he gave me...i actually liked it. I mean he's a good kisser. I just couldnt forgive him. At least not yet.
"Come on Sammie! It meant nothing! Nothing! I like you not her!" He yelled from the parking lot, but i kept walking. Im sure if i wouldve stayed a couple more minutes i wouldve ended up forgiving him.
I got home and Taylor was there waiting for me already.
"Hey! I need to ask you for a favor" She had some keys in her hand.
"Okay what is it now?"
"You have to come with me to check out my brother's new house! He isnt there yet, but i thought we could go check it out"
"Um.. i guess. When?"
"Right now!" She pulled my arm outside and we drove to her brother's house. It wasnt even that far. Just a couple streets away. It was a 2 story house with a balcony and a pool and everything. It was really nice.
"Lets check out the balcony!" She was way too excited about the balcony. It worried me.
I walked in and started looking around. The sky looked beautiful from the balcony.
"Okay. Lets go Taylor. Im not that amused about the-.." I turned around and Taylor was nowhere to be seen....and the door was locked.
"-Taylor! Taylor! You know i hate being balconies! Im gonna die if you dont open the door right now" I was really mad. I mean who wouldnt? She locked me in here.
I heard a rustle of the trees outside. I instantly froze. What if its a robber?! I peeked out the balcony and there was Geoffrey climbing the balcony.
"What the heck? Geoffrey! You're gonna kill yourself!" He chuckled and jumped off the tree to the balcony.
"I want us to be like Romeo and Juliet" He smirked.
"You know they died at the end right?"
"Yup. But i heard you complaining about how youre gonna die in the balcony and then you said i was gonna die climbing the balcony...Soooo" I playfully punched him.
"-but i really needed to talk to you" His face was dead serious.
This is super short so sorry!
Im so busy with practices and stuff but i still read your comments! And they still make my days amazayn! :)
So keep commenting!

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