Chapter 9 : Pool Party

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I met Taylor after school at our dorm and we started changing into our bathing suits. I didnt want to go to the party after what happened with Stephanie, but i had already promised Taylor i would go with her.
I looked at myself in the mirror, this bathing suit was actually cute. The top part was shaped as a bow and the neon green was just a cute color.
I guess i looked good, im skinny but not as skinny as a twig either. I actually have curves.
I let my hair down and i wore a cover-up.
Taylor walked out of the bathroom..
"Aaah we look so cute! Are you ready to go?" Her voice was so enthusiastic.
"Yeah" I started the car and we drove off.
"So what are the latest news between you and Geoffrey?" She asked me, like she already knew what had happened.
"He got in a fight with Zach" I answered, keeping my eyes on the road.
"Geoffrey is totally hot and all but everyone says he's an ass"
"Dont say that about him" For some reason i felt like i had to defend him.
"Sorry, look thats the house" She pointed at a huge house. Actually, it wasnt a house. It was a mansion.
Taylor and i walked out to the pool. There was a bunch of drunk guys and girls.
"Is it okay if i leave you here? I was gonna meet someone right now"
"No. Its fine... ill just stay here alone-"
"Thanks! Ill see you later" She walked away.
I started looking around and i spotted Geoffrey by the other side of the pool. He was talking to some guy. As soon as he noticed me, he started walking my way.
The first thing i noticed was his fit body. He was wearing some trunks and he was shirtless (of course).
His arms were so huge and his 6-pack... it looked more like an 8-pack.
"Take a picture, itll last longer" He winked. I turned bright red.
I took off my cover-up and i placed it on a chair. Which left me in just my bathing suit.
I noticed Geoffrey checking me out. He started chuckling after he noticed my nervous face.
He took my hand and led me to an empty table.
"Ill go get us some drinks. Wait here" He walked away, and i felt alone. I was starting to feel uncomfortable with so many drunk people around.
I noticed Zach walking over to me. He was drunk.
I got up and walked away but he grabbed my arm quickly.
"That hurts" I said.
"Follow me" He said pulling harder on my hand.
"Zach stop! Youre drunk" I said trying to pull away from his grip.
"I love it when you say my name" He whispered in my ear.
Why was Geoffrey taking so long?
Zach pushed me into one of the rooms inside the house and closed the door.
"What are y-.." He cut me off, by placing his lips on mine.
His breath smelled like alcohol, it was so gross. His hands started roaming my body but i couldnt get off his grip.
"Zach stop!...Geoffrey!" I yelled, hoping he would hear me.

Geoffrey's P.O.V:
The drinks line was really long for some reason, as soon as i got the drinks i walked back to Sammie but she wasnt there.
"Geoffrey!" I heard a voice yell.
Oh shit, it was Sammie's voice.
I followed the sound of her screams, and i started kicking doors open.
I kicked a door open, and Zach was on top of Sammie, she tried to pull him off but it was no use. She was too weak.
I punch Zach, and he lets go of Sammie.
I punch him over and over again, releasing all my anger.
"Dont you dare ever touch her again! Got it?!" I punched him one last time.

Sammie's P.O.V:
I thought he was going to kill Zach.
"Geoffrey dont kill him!" I cried and ran over to him.
"Give me a reason why i shouldnt" I place my hand on his chest and he seems to calm down a bit.
"Nobody fucking touches you okay?" He lets go of Zach, and he runs off.
Geoffrey drops down and sits against the wall.
"Im sorry Sammie" I walk over to him and embrace him in a hug. He buries his head on my chest and he wraps his arm around me.
"Thanks for saving me"
"I will always protect you" I look at his dark brown eyes, they held so much love in them.
I placed my lips on his and he deepens it. He climbs on top of me and it turns into a make-out session. He starts kissing my neck and thats when we hear a loud scream.
"What the hell!?" It was Stephanie.
Geoffrey helped me up, and i covered my face. I was embarassed of what just happened.
"Get out of my house!"
Geoffrey chuckles and leads me outside.
"Do you need a ride home?" He asks so sweetly.
"No thank you. I brought my car" I smiled and started walking off. He followed behind.
"Good, because i came here with Sean. He gave me a ride"
"Well, do you need a ride? I can drop you off"
"That would be great"
I hope you guys like this chapter! Its a bit..different haha. I was supposed to update yesterday but i went to homecoming and all that, and when i got home i thought it was a bit late to update! But here's the chapter :)

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