Chapter 36 : How Dare You

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This chapter was made possible by readers like you.... thank you. (Lol i just thought of this and it made me laugh XD) (Sorry if its annoying)

Anyways.... thanks to loveRoyce41 for giving me ideas!

Geoffrey's P.O.V:

"I- i dont love you!" She yelled.

"Shut the fu** up!" Ryan screamed back and then i heard a scream coming from Sammie.

"D-did you just hit me!? I hate you!"

"I-im so sorry... i didnt mean to hit you... i was just-"

I kicked the door open and Sammie had her hands covering half of her face.

I went over to Ryan and punched him across the face.

"How dare you hit a lady?! If you really wanted to hit someone why didnt you go look for me?"

"Geoffrey just stop. Dont start a fight" Said Sammie still covering half her face.

I pulled her hands away and i could see blood on her. It made me even angrier.

"Lets go we have to get that checked out" I said pulling her arm outside.

As soon as we stepped outside, she started screaming at me.

"What the hell Geoffrey!? Why did you follow me!?"

"I wanted to make sure you were fine"

"You were totally invading my privacy! And... youre supposed to be at home resting from your injuries! The nurse said so"

"How is the nurse supposed to know whats best for me?? She doesnt. I feel better anyways"

"She's the nurse! Duh she knows whats best for you"

"But.. YOU are whats best for me-"

"Geoffrey thats sweet but i really dont want to start with this again..-"

"Start with what?"

"Your cute words that make me love you but then want to kill you too!"

"Oh... I make you want to kill me?! Should that scare me?"

"It probably should.. if i were you... id get away from me" She started staring at me and i stared back.

"Staring contest? Its on!" I said.

After like 6 seconds... Sammie started laughing and she lost.

"Beat you! :P" I stuck my tongue out and she laughed.

"We should really get going... ouch.. o-" I stopped mid-sentence. I was feeling lots of pain in my abdomen. I was all scratched up.

"Geoffrey are you okay? Ill drive you home" Said Sammie.

"Not really. My abdomen is really hurting..."

Sammie's P.O.V:

Geoffrey said his abdomen was hurting and it was pretty obvious. His playful face turned into a face full of pain and discomfort.

I placed his hand over my shoulder and helped him walk to my car.

"Whos your roommate? Ill need to tell him to give you your medications and-..." i started and he cut me off.

"I actually dont have a roommate. Im solo this year"

"Oh. Alright that means youre staying with me tonight-"

I totally shouldve re-worded that.

"Oh slow down. I think youre taking things too fast Sammie... what would your parents think-"

"You know what i mean Geoffrey! Dont make me take my offer back"

"I was kidding"


I led Geoffrey to my room and gave him a Justin Bieber blanket.

"Am i really going to use this?"

"Thats the only extra blanket i have... sorry"

"Am i really going to sleep with Justin Bieber-.."

"Geoffrey! Geez! Dont tell me what youre going to do-"

"I was going to say... sleep with justin bieber staring at me! His whole face is in this blanket! How?"

"I used to like Justin Bieber when i was younger..."

"How young?"

"Um... a senior..."

"You are unbelievable" He laughed.

"I know i am.. goodnight! And dont let the bed bugs bite! Or vampires! But vampires are hot so... sorry forget that last part"

"Hold on!"

I walked back in.

"Whats wrong?"

"Where are you sleeping?"

"In the living room/kitchen/-"

"This is your dorm.... why dont you sleep here? Ill sleep in the living room/kitchen/-"

"I have an inflatable bed... ill be fine"

"Well why dont you put the bed in here? Theres enough space for us"

"Alright. Ill be right back"

"Okay i just want to protect you from any hot vampires that might want to come bite you at night" I playfully punched him and started laughing.


I updated! I hope you guys liked the chapter!


(If any of you want to help me with my next chapters please let me know! I would love it if each of you wrote a little part that would go good as the end for this story... that would be beyond amazing) thanks in advance!

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