Chapter 27 : Who Are You?

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I moved my hands away from his and there was another knock on the door.

"Here ill open it" He said walking towards the door.

I agreed and sat on my bed.

Geoffrey's P.O.V:

I acted like such a jerk with Sammie. She's right, i dont know what she's been through.

I knocked on Sammie's door with the big teddy bear i had gotten her, nobody seemed to answer. I knocked again and some dude opened the door.

"Hey. Who are you?" He asked as soon as he opened the door.

"My name is Geoffrey. I came to see Sammie. Can you tell her im here?"

"Do you go here?" He asked in a mean kind of tone. He looked me up and down.

"Yeah i do. Can you tell her-.."

"Are you guys like dating? Or friends?"

"Look this is none of your business, who are you anyways?"

"Im Sammie's ex-boyfriend and her new roommate-"

"And just because of that you think you can get into other people's business huh?" I was getting mad. I dont know what got into me.

"Im not trying to get into your business... ill go tell Sammie youre here-" He walked away leaving me there waiting.

Sammie's P.O.V:

Ryan took a while by the door. He finally came up to me.

"I think you left the door open-"
He cut me off.

"Yeah i know. There's someone looking for you"

"Who?" I asked a bit confused.

"He said his name is Geoffrey"
Why does he keep looking for me?!

"Can you tell him im not here? Or im in the shower! Yeah tell him im in the shower... please?" I made some sad puppy dog eyes at him.

"Hm...let me me think about it. My mom told me to never lie you know?...I guess one time wont hurt"

"Lol. Thank you! I owe you one"

"You're welcome babe" He blew me a kiss and i threw a pillow at him. He's so cute.

Geoffrey's P.O.V:

I heard footsteps coming over here and i heard the guy yell
"You're welcome babe" Was he talking to Sammie? Are they together?

I got cut off my thoughts after he appeared by the door again.

"Sammie's in the shower. Sorry"

"I can wait"

"Uh..she's probably not going to get out-..."

I thought about it a little and pushed the guy so i could go in. There was Sammie sitting in her bed.

"I thought she was in the shower" I said kind of mad that they lied to me.

"She doesnt want to see you man. Have some respect"

"Im not leaving unless she tells me to" I spit back annoyed.

"Sammie tell him you didnt want to see him"

"Can you stay out of this!?" I yelled again.

"Geoffrey calm down. Why are you here?"

"We need to talk"

"No we dont. I get it. You and Zach were playing with me.... i dont want to know anything else"

"Sammie what are you talking about? What did this guy do to you?" Asked the guy concerned.

"We werent playing with you-"

"Just leave Geoffrey i dont want to see you again"

"Im sorry but im not leaving until-"

"Get out!" Yelled the guy.

I didnt move so he ended up pushing me out. I punched him in the face, and he punched me back. We started fighting but some guys seperated us and i left.

I didnt realize i was bleeding until i got home. I was probably going to wake up with a black eye too.

Sammie's P.O.V:

Ryan walked in bleeding from his nose. What had just happened

"Ryan what happened!? Why are you bleeding!?" I went to get my first aid kit and i started cleaning him up. And yes i have a first aid kit, we all get one at our dorms.

"That little boyfriend of yours punched me"

"He's not my boyfriend and why did he punch you?"

"Because i pushed him out. I punched him back though. I got his eye"

I stopped and stared at him a bit mad.

"Ryan! Why did you do that"

"I wasnt gonna just not do nothing"

"You shouldve just ignored it. Ugh guys are so wild"

"Wild? We are not wild!"

I laughed. Of course they are.

Now i was worried about Geoffrey. I hope he's alright.
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(Oh and sorry i havent been able to answer comments because of school starting and me being really busy :/ but i still read them so keep commenting!)

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