Sequel Part 8

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*2 Years Later*
Geoffrey's P.O.V:

"Daddy! Im going to miss you!"

"Ill miss you too baby girl. It wont be too long and ill call you every single day! Deal?" I told Mia.

So we ended up having twins! Yay, a boy and a girl and it was way too unexpected.

Also... the gang i was in well they all got caught.

"Deal!" She yelled giving me a big bear hug.

"Daddy! Im going to miss you more than Mia!" Yelled Axel.

"Hey thats not true!" Yelled Mia and she started crying.

Oh god.

"Hey you guys please stop fighting. Come over here"

They both ran over to me and i hugged them.

"Ill miss you both! But please promise me you guys will stop fighting... dont stress your mom out right now-..." Before i could finish Axel cut me off.

"Is it because of the baby?" He asked me.

"Yeah-.. wait what?" I asked him.

What baby?

"I heard her talking to aunt Shanelli about a baby..-" He said while he took a sip from his milk.

"Yeah i heard that too! Aunt Shanelli was here yesterday and she was screaming really loud... i was scared" Said Mia.

That made me laugh a little 😂 She was scared of her aunt Shanelli.

"What was aunt Shanelli screaming?"

"She was screaming like aaaah! And oh my gosh! Like that"

"Oh okay. Look kids my flight leaves in half an hour so i have to go talk to your mom really quick"

"Okay" They both said at the same time.

They started laughing. Little kids.

I went upstairs to talk to Sammie but she was still on the phone so i stood outside the door.

"Yeah Shanelli i know but he's leaving really soon so id rather wait till he comes back" Said Sammie.

"-um.. i think he's going to be on tour for like 3 months" She continued and i walked in.

"Hey babe i gotta go in 20 minutes..-"

"I gotta go Shanelli, ill call you back" She said hanging up on the phone.

"Sorry babe. I just needed to talk to your sister really quick"

"Oh really? About what?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh. Pssh girl stuff" She said smiling.

"You mean baby stuff? Mia and Axel told me you guys were talking about a baby. Is there anything i might have to know?" I said raising my other eyebrow.

She got a little nervous.

"Hmm.. not really. And... you have to get going! Theres like 10 minutes left. Here ill help you with your stuff"

"Nope. Im not leaving until you tell me whats going on"

"But youre going to be late!" She yelled.

"I can always catch another plane. Its fine. Now tell me whats up?" I said sitting down next to her.

"Nothing! I already told you. She was talking about Mia"

"Yeah yeah im not falling for that. Youre pregnant again arent you?"

"Pssh why would you think that?"

"Well then tell me whats going on c'mon?"

"Fine. Yes. Are you happy now?"

"Yes! Super happy! Why didnt you want to tell me!?"

"Youre going on tour i didnt want to bother you"

I got a phone call.


"Geoffrey! Where are you!? The plane is about to leave!" It was my manager.

"Im on my way! Hold up!"

"Okay well hurry!"

I hung up.

"Okay i really gotta go babe. Ill be back in no time and take care! Of you, the baby, the other babies and remember only 97 more to go!"

"Geoffrey! 😂 youre so crazy. Take care and i love you!" She yelled.

I quickly ran back and gave her a kiss before leaving.

"I love you more! Bye"



The End! :)

Okay guys!!


And thanks sooo much for keeping up with this story! :)

And since i got a couple comments of people that want to know how it went for me when i met Royce! I will write a short chapter with what happened.... so yeah! :)

Thanks soooo much again to all of you!


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