Chapter 23 : Im #teamGeoffrey

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Sammie's P.O.V:

"Well Crystal, Zach kissed me and i dont know how i feel about it" I shrugged.

"What?! I thought... But im #teamGeoffrey!"

"What the he-"

"Yup. Its either #teamZach or #teamGeoffrey and im team Geoffrey all the way" I chuckled.

"Are you crazy?! Wait dont answer, i know you are XD...anyways...why did you want to meet up here?" I was curious. If Crystal wanted to meet me here it was for a special reason maybe she has a boyfriend! OMG

"Well... A friend is moving here and i was hoping you can help me show her around and stuff" She said after taking a sip from her starbucks coffee.

"Of course :) it would be nice to have another girl in our little squad" This was exciting. Lol our squad getting bigger.

"Awe thanks! I actually met her just last year... she moved to my school and i really started getting along with her"

"Thats nice. Whats her name?" I started taking a sip from my coffee and i spit it out after she told me...

"Her name is Emeraude"

"What!?" I yelled making everyone around us look at me.

"Do you know her?"

"By any chance did she move from Oakwood High?" I asked more calmly. What if it wasnt her, i mean there could be more Emeraudes right?

"Yeah. Thats exactly the name of her old school. Of course thats it"

"Oh god no. Im sorry Crystal, but i cant help you show that bit-"

"Hey hey... Before you start calling her a female dog, can you explain to me what happened?"

"You want to know what happened? Do you really want to know what happened?!"

"Yes! I want to know now. As in ASAP"

I opened my mouth to talk but my phone started ringing.

"Let me answer itll be quick"
Crystal nodded and i answered.


'Hey Sammie its Geoffrey... Do you think you can come over? Like right now?'

'Are you okay? Is something wrong?'

'No everything's fine. I just want to show you something'

'Alright ill be there in 5'

I hung up and breathed in relief. At least i can wait to tell Crystal the story of Emeraude later. I wasnt in the mood.

"Crystal, im sorry but i have to go"

"No! But you have to tell me-"

"I know. I know. Bummer, ill have to tell you some other day" I grabbed my purse and i realized i didnt bring my car.


"Whats wrong?" Asked Crystal.

"I didnt bring my car and i have to go to Geoffrey's"

"Here ill take you and you can tell me the story on our way over there! Perfect" I fakely smiled but agreed.

"Fine. Lets go"

"Alright ill make it short and to the point" I said smiling.

"Fine go on"

"I hate her" I grabbed my phone and started texting.


"Thats it. I said it was going to be short and to the point"

"Just tell me c'mon. I want to know the why behind this hatred"

"Fine. We met in Kinder and we went to school together until 2 years ago when she moved. We were best friends, bffs and then one day um.. i started dating this guy-"

"Ugh its always the guys!" Crystal turned to look at me and shooked her head.

"As i was saying... i was dating this guy, his name was Ryan he was also the most popular guy in school and he was so handsome ugh. I really loved that guy, i can honestly say he's the only person ive ever loved-"

"What about #teamGeoffrey!?" Said Crystal forming a hashtag with her hands and nearly crashing in the process.

"I dont know Crystal. I really dont know"

"Ok go on with the story"

"Oh yeah so i dated Ryan....and Emeraude always seemed to get along with him really well... i thought it was cool because she was my bestie and he was my boyfriend but one day in the hallway i saw them making out-" I couldnt hold it and i started crying.

"Sammie im sorry. Dont cry, look you dont have to tell me the story anymore" We arrived at Geoffrey's dorm but i didnt want to go in.

"Wait Crystal i started the story now i have to end it" I wiped my tears away and Crystal nodded in agreement.

"I saw them making out but i decided to act like i didnt see anything and i wanted them to come out to me themselves. It was on a friday and the football guys had a home game which meant Ryan was playing. He asked me to go with him and i told him i didnt want to go. Turns out the guys won the game and Ryan came out in the school newspaper because he was the star player. What he didnt know is that he came out in the newspaper kissing his 'girlfriend' when it was actually Emeraude" I ended with a couple tears but i decided to finally go into Geoffrey's dorm.

"Look we'll talk about this later okay?" Said Crystal walking away.
I simply nodded and knocked on Geoffrey's door.

Sorry i didnt update this yesterday, it was kind of late sooo yeah

Anyways, i included a picture of Ryan in the media thingy if you guys want to see what he looks like X) (He's Zac Efron and omg He's hot!)

I hope you guys had an amazing christmas!

(P.S. I would love to see like 10 comments on this :) that would be amazing)

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