Chapter 40 : Last Chapter (For Reals This Time)

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This is the last chapter i just want to say i love you guys! You guys are awesome and amazayn!

Geoffrey's P.O.V:

Of course there was a way to get there in time. Psh... im here. Magic Geoffrey.

I fixed my hair up into its regular quiff, but better.

I changed into a tux i had at home and I realized i had no idea what color Sammie's dress was gonna be. And i needed to give her a corsage (a corsage is the thing with flowers that girls wear on their wrists btw)


Everything matches with white right?

I drove to the store right around the corner and i bought a corsage with white flowers.

Then... i drove back to Sammie's dorm. That couldve taken anyone 10 minutes right there. It took magic Geoffrey only 5 minutes.

Sammie's P.O.V:

There was no way we were getting there in time for pictures. I was waiting for Geoffrey and he wouldnt arrive. Where was he!?

There was suddenly a knock on the door and i ran to open it...

"Geoffrey! I thought you forgot about me"

"I would never forget about you. You look beautiful by the way..Here i got this...-" He pulled a corsage out and tied it around my wrist. I almost cried at how cute this was.

"Thank you Geoffrey"

"For what? Putting on your corsage? XD"

"No dummy. For all of this. Taking me to prom when you didnt have to at all-..." He cut me off.

"But i wanted to. I wanted to take you to prom Samantha" He started leaning in but i moved away.

"Um.. we should really get going-..."

"Oh right. After you-.." He opened the door for me like the gentlemen he is and we drove off.


Ufff. We walked... more like ran into the cafeteria... where prom was being held at. We were 2 minutes late for pictures. 2 minutes!

"Geoffrey we were so close!" I squealed.

"Hold on" He walked up to the picture lady and he sweet talked her into taking our pictures.

"-she said she'll make space for us in a bit"

"What did you tell her!?"

"I used my handsome charm. She couldnt resist me-"

"Geoffrey she's like 70!" I whisper-yelled and he laughed.

We got our pictures taken and we walked over to the dancefloor. Most of the people there were couples. They were all over each other.

"Ugh. These people arent even dancing!" I yelled.

"Haha what do you mean?" Asked Geoffrey.

"Theyre all over each other. Theyre practically having... Nevermind"

"Youre so dirty!" He screamed at me.

"Am not" I defended myself.

After a couple minutes of sitting down, Culpa Al Corazon started playing. I wasnt expecting that.

"Geoffrey! Its your song!" I screamed fangirling a little too much.

"Yes it is. Want to dance?" He asked me with his arm out towards me.

"Of course"

We danced a couple more songs and then we decided to just leave. Prom was nothing like i was expecting... it was... boring 😑...

We decided to hang out at Geoffrey's dorm for a while since it was barely 10pm.

We sat in the couch for the longest time! Ugh it was actually just 5 minutes but we didnt even talk so it felt like forever.

Geoffrey just kept staring at me and i was starting to get a little nervous.

(Thanks to @loveRoyce41 for writing this part! :))

He picked me up and carried me to his room bridal style.

"... can i make you mine tonight?" He said looking at me up and down.

I was so nervous i answered "who are you talking to?" And i looked around the room.

"You dummy!" He answered chuckling.

I smirked and nodded. Then he started kissing me while laying me down on the bed slowly. He started whispering things in my ears... while he undressed me and i did the same leaving him in just his boxers. He kept running his hand up and down my hips.

He was on top of me sucking and kissing on my neck.
I was kissing and biting him around his ear.

I went down near his collar bone and did the same thing.
I found a spot causing him to moan my name.

Right after that... i regretted what would happen next.


The End!
Um... yeah i only know those 3 languages ^ lol.

The End you guys!

Youre all probably like damn finally this book ends... lol.

I had so much fun writing this and um.. yeah

Comment your Opinions or get mad at me! Or yeah pretty much anything you want comment below! :)

Should i maybe just maybe write a sequel? X) (i mean.....i did end it as a cliffhanger)

Im not sure but you guys can comment whatever you would like

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