Chapter 24 :

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I knocked on Geoffrey's door

"Who is it?"

"Its me Sammie!"

"Ok hold on.... come in!"

I walked in to see the most beautiful thing ever. He had rose petals all over the place.

"Geoffrey what is this?" I looked up at him and he was smiling but then his face expressions turned into worry.

"Why are you crying? Are you okay?"

"Yeah im fine. I was just remembering old things with Crystal and i got emotional" I wiped my tears off again and tried to smile.

"I believe you. Alright so you have to follow the flower petals and itll lead you somewhere" He smiled again and ugh. I mean his smile is just so beautiful

"Can you come with me?" I asked with a sad puppy dog face.

"You wont get lost haha but of course ill go with you"

He grabbed my hand (awwe) and we started walking slowly through the rose petals.

"Geoffrey this is beautiful. Did you do this yourself?"

"Um.. not entirely-" He chuckled a little.

"-A friend helped me"

"It was Sean huh?"

"No it was a girl" My eyes widened a bit. And of course he noticed.

"Dont worry. Im all yours babe" He smirked.
Ugh his smirk gets me everytime.
I turned bright red.

We got to the end and there was a huge teddy bear. I let go of Geoffrey's hand and i went over to hug the teddy bear it was sooo cute. I tried carrying it and didnt end very well.

"Haha Sammie are you okay?" Geoffrey helped me up and started chuckling.

"Youre not supposed to make fun of people tripping! Ugh" I turned to face him and he was crying of laughter.

"Geoffrey! Stop it!"

"Im sorry. It was just funny" He calmed down a bit and i wiped his tears off his face.

"You were literally crying"

"I know. Haha, okay you forgot something... theres something right behind the teddy bear"

I dropped the teddy bear and walked over to where i had picked it up from.
I picked up a box the size of a shoe box.

"Open it"

I opened the box and it was full of confetti.

"Geoffrey really? You gave me confetti?" I got up and left the box there.

"No. Keep looking"

I turned the box around to take all the confetti out and there was a smaller box inside.
I opened the box and oh more confetti.

"Ugh Geoffrey i dont get it. Is it supposed to be fu-"
I stopped mid-sentence when i turned around to see Geoffrey on one knee.

"-um..Geoffrey? What is going on?" My eyes widened but i wasnt fully sure on what was happening.

"Sammie i love you, i really do. Will you do me the honor of being my...girlfriend? We're too young to get married so girlfriend will do for now" I smiled nervously and grabbed the little box. It had a ring inside.

"This is beautiful Geoffrey. And i you too! But im not sure about this. Can i think about it?" I smiled sweetly trying not to hurt his feelings.

"Youre not sure? Sammie this isnt too much to think about. Either you want to be my girlfriend or not. Its that easy" He got up and looked mad.

"Geoffrey honestly its not. You dont know what ive been through and i dont want it to happen again. But if youre gonna be such a bit** about it, then no i dont want to date you!" I dropped the ring and walked off.

Ugh. Why did he act that way? I thought he was different.

As i was walking away, my phone started ringing. I wiped some tears away before answering.


'Hey Sammie its Zach. Can i talk to you? At your dorm if thats fine?'

'Zach... im really not in the mood. Something crazy weird just happened'

'How about i go over and you talk to me about it? Is that fine?'

'I guess..'

'Ill be there in 5 minutes'

I hung up and hurried home. Next time ill be sure to bring my car.


Happy New Year's! Its finally 2016

Who saw Prince Royce's performance with Pitbull last night!?
It was amazing!

I love Prince Royce sooooooo much like damn


Since its a new year.... I hope i get new people commenting on this! :)
That would be amazing...
Or why not... get a comment from all of you! That would be even more amazing

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