Show Me How You Burlesque

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POV: Lucifer (gore somewhat/burns/violence)

I stood there in my workshop. Adam wasn't wrong...this wasn't me but I had to be this way til Ace was free. I needed to take out that pathetic bug Valentino next. Vox had an emotional dependency on him for some reason. I sighed and looked at my phone, my lock screen a picture of all 3 of us on a date we all went on. The unread message notification of Ace read on the screen. I went to change sliding the phone in my pocket, getting ready for the hit tonight. I NEED to do this, I'm the fucking king, I need to make an example.

I snapped a portal to Alastor's room at the hotel. "Already~ My My eager to get this done at we~" he crossed his legs leaning back in his chair. "Yes and tonight will be special, You'll be able to broadcast like you used to" I smiled at him wickedly and he raised an eyebrow. "Oh goodie, you're too kind my highness!" He turned around in his chair, preparing for his next victim for the broadcast. "I'll be back as soon as I can, they upped the security at the club after they found Velvette" I dusted off my suit and snapped on a disguise of a show girl. "I'll be usual" Alastor gritted through his teeth, smile never falling off his face.

I nodded and teleported into the locker room of the club's burlesque area. I watched all the talent of the show run about getting ready for the big event. My ears perked up at familiar voices, Angel Dust and Ace were getting ready at the vanities. Valentino yelled at the performers, grabbing Ace and Angel by the wrist and threw them into their spots behind the curtain. I didn't know Ace sang live at the club like this. The show went on like normal.

Ace was great, dancing and performing, stripping his robes, singing and the other girls and Angel followed suit. The crowd went wild as they danced on the bar and around the crowd. I was almost transfixed until I spotted my target watch from off stage face up in a scowl. I locked eyes with him and he growled. I slipped away and ducked into the locker room. Suddenly a ring of red smoke circled around me stopping me in my tracks. "Who are you? Are you a new dancer Vox sent without letting me know!?" Val threw a set of his arms up in frustration. "Actually, I'm here to do more to just dance Valentino" I transformed back into myself and into my full demonic form, overpowering him easily. I laughed as he let out a raw scream as I grabbed him.

POV: Ace

It was a great performance, everything good and I finished my set, the crowd going wild. Suddenly, screams rang from the other girls as they ran from backstage. "What the fuck is going on!?" Angel yelled and took my hand. Flames came from the back, curtains burning and sets falling apart, nearly missing the girls escaping. The crowd started to evacuate the building. Screaming and charred bodies littered the club. I did my best to help get the girls out of there. Adam came rushing up to the side entrance where the talent used. "ACE! What is happening!?" "FIRE! GET THE GIRLS OUT! I NEEDA GO BACK FOR ANGEL!" I turned to run back inside.

"ACE NO! WAIT!-" Adam screamed reaching out but I was already back in the club. I heard Angel screaming and crying trapped under some debris. "I got you!' I yelled as I lifted the flaming debris. I blinked down, the first not burning me at all...Holy Fire...I managed to pull Angel into my arms and make it to the exit again. Adam ran up to us, checking Angel for any big injuries. "I'm okay guys..." he coughed a bit of smoke out and I put him down. "What is happening..." "Holy Fire...I wasn't hurt by it" I leaned over and looked at Adam desperately. "He took Val?" Angel looked at us with big eyes. "Lucifer yes...he plans on using the Vees as a'message' to hell that he's still the head honcho..." Adam growled under his breath.

Adam and I helped the girls to safety, ushering them to the hotel. Charlie and Vaggie welcomed them in and Husk tended to Angel Dust. "Ace what is going on?" I glanced at Adam, him clearly having more info than I did. Adam explained to Charlie her dad's plan. She looked almost disgusted by it, but held a brave face. "The whole club is probably burned down by now..." Angel took a sip of his strong drink. "You said Alastor was in on it too?" Vaggie asked and I nodded.

Suddenly, all the radios began to crackle with life and magic. We all looked at one another in shock and worry. Adam taking my hand instinctively. "Goooood Evening Pentagram City!" Alastor's voice rang over the speakers, all of the city was probably tuned in. "I've missed these types of broadcasts! So intimate are they not? Speaking of intimate, we have a special guest here today! Welcome Mr. Valentino of the Vees!" He clapped as Val's screams came from the radio. "We also have the King of Hell with us tonight as well! Say hello!" Adam and I looked over at Charlie. "Alastor has a room here correct? How do we get there!?" I shook her shoulders. "8th floor! I think there's a secret path way somewhere to the broadcast room!" She yelled and Adam and I took off up the stairs.

"Hello sinners of Pentagram City, it seems you all forgot who is REALLY in charge here, so Mr. Valentino will be used to make sure NONE of you forget again" Lucifer's voice rang through the speakers. I felt the pit in my stomach as we reached Alastor's room. It was foul, road-killed deer and flesh smell filled the room, like a rotten slaughterhouse. Adam held back the bile that came up as we dug through the room frantically. We stopped as we heard Valentino's begging, followed by blood curdling screams as his flesh could be heard bubbling through the static of the radio broadcast. Tears filled my eyes and Adam shook his head. We kept digging until we found a trap door. Adam used his demon form strength to rip it open as we headed to the broadcasting tower.

"Well Well! Quite a fun show tonight right folks!? All thanks to our King!" Alastor laughed and clapped. Adam and I smashed through the door and inhaled hard, seeing the scene in front of us. Lucifer was i his full demon form, Valentino was bubbling and turning charred, his body in a position of crawling away. I covered my mouth as the smell hit my nose, throwing up on the floor in front of the managed corpse. Adam ran in and slammed on the table of switched and lights. The broadcast ending with static. "Lucifer!" Adam growled and went to comfort me as I sat crouched trembling.

"Well this is awkward~" Alastor hummed disappointed almost. Lucifer went back into his regular form and stared at us. "Who are you...?" I murmured and looked at him, almost scared at the fallen angel I fell in love with. Lucifer's eyes softened and guilt filled them fast. "Ace...Adam I...don't you see I have to show them? These things to know their place? Also if I got rid of the Vees, you'll be free again..." he took a step forward and Adam stood in front of me. "I think you should go...I dunno where but..." Adam's voice was shaken and stern. Lucifer looked down and sighed, stepping back. "I'm sorry..." he muttered before snapping a portal, leaving them in the studio.

"Of course I'm left the clean up~" Alastor rolled his eyes before snapping us back into the lobby of the hotel. Charlie look devastated, Vaggie comforting her, tears pouring from them both. Angel and Husk were holding one another behind the bar. I looked at Adam, unsure what to do. "Let's stay here okay? them...and the girls from the club...give him time to sit in his juices...make him realize all this bullshit..." he held me to his chest and let out a small sob into the crook of my neck. I held him feeling helpless yet again.

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