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Me and Maggie was silent the whole ride as far. I kept thinking to my people back there. Everyone was chatting but I just leaned my head on the window. " Maybe they're just behind us. Maybe Daryl and carol came back. Maybe they took the map, found some cars and is just down the road." Maggie said. I sighed, " they'll catch up." I nodded to myself. Hoping that what she said is true. " How long will it be. After you get on that terminal and do what you have to do?" Maggie asked Eugene. " Depends on a number of things including the he density of the infected around here he target site and worldwide." He explained. " Target site? You talking about missiles?" I asked him. His eyes widened slightly. " That's classified." He said. " I thought we were over that." I sighed. " What if we all live?" He asked to which I nodded slightly. " Anyway, the speed at which things will normalize depends on the factors including world wide weather patterns which were modelled without the assumption that cars, planes, boats and trains wouldn't be pouring hydrocarbons into the atmosphere this long. It changed the game quite a bit when it came to air transmittable pathogens." He ended, I raised my eyebrow at him, he for sure sounded like a scientist. " Why the hair?" I asked. " Because I like it." He said as if obvious. I nodded, " and no one is taking scissors or a clipper near it anytime soon. You hear me miss Espinosa." He said making Rosita laugh, " loud and clear."

They continued to talk while I focussed on the road. There was a group of walkers up ahead but Abraham didn't seem to react. Suddenly something blew and we swerved. The bus hit another car and it tipped, I tried my best to get hold of Maggie to protect her but I hit my head. My vision instantly grew black.

When my conscious returned I made sure Maggie was okay. I helped her us as Abraham started calling for Eugene. There was Walker all around us, " Abe, you and I go first. Knock them back then Maggie Rosita get out. We all start hitting, okay?" I called to which they nodded. Abraham kicked the door open, we got out hitting and shoving them back. We killed them off one by one untill it was clear. " Cleck Eugene. See if he's hurt." Abraham called. " I'm fine. Just cuts-" Abraham cut him off. " Check him!"

" That your blood?" Eugene asked. Abraham nodded, " first aids in the bus." Rosita said. " I'll see what we have." Maggie stood and started walking to the bus but it caught fire. " We keep moving. Find another vehicle along the road." Abraham started walking. " The devil's advocate, nothing more. If we smash through a soft hard, we spent a lot of time rolling things outta the road. Church is just 15 miles back." Eugene said but Abraham wasn't having it. " No, we don't stop, we don't go back. We're at war and retreat means we lose." He yelled at Eugene. " The roads fight back, you all know that. We will get through this because we have to. Every direction is a question. We don't go back." He started walking again.

I stopped him, " you okay dude?" I asked. " I am fit as a damn fiddle." He said. I sighed, " we are going woth you, you are calling this thing. I just need to know you're okay." I said looking him up and down. " This is how things stop, I can't afford that now. The world can't. We took a pretty hard hit to thr sack with that crash, I am stressed and depressed to see that ride die but if you say we're rolling on, I'm good." He said nodding. I nodded back, " we're rolling on."

" Let's just rub some dirt in it and walk it off." He said. I nodded. " Okay, but I'm not running dirt on anything." Maggie smiled at me, I chuckled and threw my arm around her shoulder. " Maybe we can find some bikes." Tara suggested. " Bikes don't burn." She had a point. We started back up the road.

We found a bookstore to camp in for the night. We cleared it and got comfortable. I helped Abraham roll the bookshelves to form a small cubicle for us to be safe in while Eugene handled the fire. When we got done I walked back to where Maggie was, I gave her a soft kiss before heading to Abraham. He was staring out of the window, a walker went by. " Hey." H called to which I nodded. " Thank you." He said. " For?" I asked but he snorted. " Showing up, took a lottle horse training to get you here but it's plain as potatoes now. You coulda left after the crash but you stayed." He said. I nodded, " I made a deal." " You could have broke it." He chuckled, I glanced at the knife in his hands. " You gone put that away tonight?" I asked. " Eh." He shoved it into its holster. " You gone wrap thay up?" I asked but he shook his head. " No, ima let it grt some air." He glanced at hie knuckles. " It got cut up pretty hesvy last night. Back at the church." I nodded thinking back on what they did. " It's at the point that everyone alive is strong now. You have to be. You're either strong se they can help you or you help them or strong when they can kill you. So you gotta kill them." He looked down, "some say it's never easy." I nodded. " But that's not the truth. It's the easiest thing in the world now." He looked at me, I could see the pain in his eyes but I looked back out the window.

" The world's gonna change right?" I asked him, knowing I'm praying it does. " You're damn right it's gonna." He agreed. " You better turn in, you got big watch." I offered. He nodded. " But I really need some ass first." I chuckled and shook my head as he walked off. " Didn't need to know that but eh. Cool." I said to myself with a shake of the head.

After some time at the window I went back and got in with Maggie. She lied awake making me not being able to sleep, " you thinking about them?" I asked. She nodded, " I feel guilty." I sighed. " We get to had little vacations on bookstore floors." I tried. " We're not back there anymore. We're heading to something else, but they don't get to right now." I nodded thinking bout Rick. " Well, we did almost die today, and we don't have a car. We're drinking toilet water." She smiled. " It just feels really good having this. Because it's not about what was, not last night. It's all about what's gonna be." She said. " Don't feel guilty about that." I leaned down and gave her a soft kiss. We settled and fell asleep pretty quickly.


Why do they turn out so long.


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