Growing Pains

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[This is told in Nova's POV! Also, this chapter is gonna be full of stuff worth cackling about xD]




I haven't slept this well in so long. It feels like a breath of fresh air. My back was laying against the cloth of the sleeping bag that I shared with Catra.

It was so relaxing. So much so that I just wanted to stay there forever.

I could imagine that Catra was thinking the same as she stayed huddled close to me.


My hand would drop to the ground beside my head, but I figured the floor of the palace was a bit more concrete than that.

It felt weird. Almost as if it was similar to the texture of the blankets. At first, I didn't pay it any mind.

But I felt something else, oddly enough.

A gust of wind.



My ears fluttered, though my eyes remained shut. Maybe I was just getting used to being back and my senses were off.

However, I felt the wind hit me again, and forced myself to wake up. I didn't want to but had to if I wanted to understand what was going on.

When I did, I was met with the darkness of the night sky above me. Stars were slowly moving across the clouds as another wind gust blew by.

I was lying flat on my back, the cloth from earlier replaced by blades of grass and dirt.




I sat up, taken aback. I couldn't be here. Not again.

What was going on? That was the first question that rang through my head as I tried to make sense of where I was.

It felt real. Maybe it was. My hands pressed against the ground, feeling how soft the grass was beneath my feet. It was exactly how I remembered it.

I could hear the sounds of the spirits whispering around me as I glanced around, trying to pinpoint the source.




What...? What's happening?

Am I...?

No. This isn't real.

This is a dream.



I didn't want to believe that I was back in the woods. Not by a long shot.

So, I took it upon myself to start venturing on, following the voices. They seemed to grow distant with each step I took. It felt impossible, like I wasn't getting anywhere.

My walk would speed up into a run, and I tried to bound through the woods, hoping that I'd wake up and be by Catra's side.

But I wasn't.



"No, no, no, no..." I would repeat, desperate.


The only explanation I could think of was that maybe this was just a bad dream. Maybe this was just my mind playing tricks on me.

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