Is it all real?

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Now the most important question: is it all real?

The paradigm of this existential and actual cosmos is, to put it simply, our perception turned upside down. We are expected to be conscious of the existential aspect of our existence and to recognize that the "real world" is actually the safe haven we created for ourselves. Our safety net from falling into the metaphysical state of our existence, is reality.

Every so often we find that the existential world is trying to awaken us from the hypnotic and safe reality world.

It basically means that the everyday world that we live in was designed as a safety net and that what we perceive to be paranormal is actually what IS normal.

The amazing thing is that horrors await us in both universes. Both realities eventually exist at once.

We are fully aware that the overwhelming "Real" Universe causes us to overlook, forget, or suppress a great deal of existential and sensory-sensual experience. The more completely The "Real" Universe hypnotizes us, the more existential experience we subsequently erase, wipe out, or blur into conformity with The "Real" Universe... 

Nietzsche once said:

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."   (Beyond Good and Evil, 146)

There is no getting away from things that don't belong in the actual world when they occasionally leap from the shadowy abyss into it. 

Creatures we grew to fear

The Rake: depicted as an unusually tall, hairless, pale, humanoid creature who generally crouches or crawls on all fours. It reportedly attacks humans for unknown reasons and often causes its victims great psychological trauma. The creature is believed to be a humanoid in appearance, with several references in folklore and horrific urban legends. While some believe the Rake to be a fictional creation, others claim to have encountered the creature in real life, adding to the mystery and intrigue surrounding the mythical beast.

Many reports of sightings have come from deep within forests and other secluded areas. Hikers, campers, and hunters have described eerie encounters with a creature that stalks silently and disappears without a trace

Many paranormal investigators believe that the Rake is a real creature, and that it exists in a realm beyond our own.

Despite the lack of concrete evidence, the Rake continues to be a popular topic of discussion and investigation. From online forums to paranormal investigations, people around the world are fascinated by the creature and its alleged capabilities. While the truth behind the Rake remains elusive, its impact on popular culture and the human psyche is undeniable.

The creature's origins are shrouded in mystery, with some claiming that it could have roots in different cultures, embodying the fears and nightmares of those who believe in its existence.

ᓚᘏᗢ -See the similarities? Both the rake and Slenderman are creatures embodying our worst fears. Many believe that His face is a blank canvas and not everyone has seen him as He is. People fear one being until another is "created". We fear that which we can not explain. The old generations had the Boogeyman, our had the Slenderman and the next will have something new. Fear is a human factor, we need it to survive, but to some of us, it gives our life meaning. 

All of this were mere stories, that our parents used to put us to sleep quicker, to keep us safe "don't go to the woods at night or the Slenderman will take you", "Baba yaga takes all children that stay up late."etc.

Now with the tulpa theory, it is possible we have brought them into exitence. The more you believe, the more power it gets. But again, even without them being tulpas, even if they aren't real physical beings, i know for a fact, our nightmares are

" Let me explain. It's like a disease. The more you see, the more you believe and the more you fear it. The more you fear it, the more you get paranoid about seeing him. Then you make yourself believe you see him, because you think you will. Then you become even more scared, until it engulfs you. That is how Slenderman is real. He is real in the same way fear is real. A very scary metaphysical being that takes your sanity, the stories were all true to an extent."

Now the theory

The known core theory. Your Mind Makes It Real.

When we thought about Slender Man, conjuring up ideas of another world and the entity from that world, we altered dark energy in a multiversal way, creating the Slender Man as a Tulpa. Slender Man therefore follows the laws of a different multiverse and may be formed of a physical embodiment of dark energy. That's why it hurts when He touches us.

Thinking of him calls him to you. He only exists for you when you think about him. 

Credits go to: ninasilverrose (for the idea for the chapter!), also   ,  and


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