Chapter One

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Hey guys! This is my first Dan and Phil fanfic (no, it isn't Phan) and I hope you enjoy! By the way, Lillette is pronounced Lill-et. Just so you know. Also, the media is what I originally made to be the cover, then realized it wouldn't fit. Okay, that's all for now, please enjoy the first chapter!

I exhaled slowly, tapping send.

I watched as my email was whisked off into the cyber maze that was the internet. I sighed.

I am Lillette Baker. I am 20, and I'm turning 21 in two weeks. I'm also a huge fan of YouTubers. It started when I was 12. That's how old I was when I saw my first YouTube video. I don't remember what it was, but I do remember quickly finding several YouTubers that made me laugh until I couldn't breath.

I had put that in the email.

I never had to worry about being too sad, because my YouTubers would always cheer me up. When I was 13, I got bullied, but thanks to these video personalities, nothing too serious ever came from it. The YouTubers taught me to just smile and be myself.

I put that in the email, too.

I've seen so many different YouTubers. I've seen iisuperwomanii, DailyGrace, Marcus Butler, you name it. But I would have to say my favorites were two British YouTubers named AmazingPhil and danisnotonfire.

That's who I had just emailed-- danisnotonfire. I had written out a letter to Phil, but I was hesitant to email it. I didn't really expect Dan to reply, or even see it. He must get millions of emails to that gmail address.

I had sent it. All that was left to do was wait. Or, more accurately, go on with life. Waiting implied that I expected a response. I didn't. That meant I should go on with life, and act as if nothing happened. That way I don't get too crushed if he never replies.

I closed my laptop, and slid off the bed. I pulled on some sweats and a tank top. It was time to make breakfast. I glanced at the clock. It read 9:34 am.

With one last look at the closed laptop, I left the room.


I laughed, holding my wine glass. Yes, fancy, I know. But my best friend from middle school, Clary, had brought it to celebrate my twenty-first.

It was my birthday party. I had sent the email two weeks ago. I'd just forgotten about it, too. I stood in a crowd of my friends, laughing and chatting. My roommate, Shelby, was at my left, an arm around her boyfriend, Leo.

Suddenly, Shelby straightened up and fished her phone out of her handbag. She squinted at the screen. I could tell that she had ingested quite a lot of wine.

Then, Shelby smiled widely and went to get the door, leaving me and Leo.

"So," Leo said awkwardly. "Pretty exciting, huh? Twenty-one!"

I laughed. Leo was awkwardly adorable. He never seemed quite sure what to say. Shelby complained about this trait of his, but I found it cute.

"I guess," I sighed. "It's just weird, you know?" I waved my hand around at the decorations and wild party. "I mean, I don't feel twenty-one, I still feel twenty!"

Leo smiled. "I know what you mean."

Suddenly, Shelby reappeared. "Hey, Lil!" She beamed. "Guess who just arrived?"

"Who?" I wondered, confused. As far as I knew, everyone I'd invited was here.

"Come here!" Shelby turned and shouted into the crowd.

And out of the crowd emerged a girl with curly brown hair and large amber eyes. She had freckles across the bridge of her nose, and wore a pretty teal cocktail dress on that complemented her features and form perfectly.

I couldn't contain the squeal that was ripped from the throat. I clapped my hands to my mouth, setting down the wine glass. Then the girl beamed, and held her hands out for a hug.

I rushed forward as fast as I could on wedges. I flung my arms around her and shrieked, "Jenny! What are you doing here?"

Jenny was my best friend. We met in seventh grade, and have been close ever since. However, as soon as she graduated, she moved to London to pursue her dreams of becoming a writer.

"Oh, you know," she said with a slight British accent. "I got persuaded to come to a certain someone's twenty-first birthday!"

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed. "But how did you know?"

"I like to think I know my best friend's birthday," smirked Jenny, reaching for a table behind her and handing me a gift. "And Shelby gave me your address."

I took the gift. "Oh, Jenny--" I began.

"No take backs!" She interrupted me. "Open it!"

I sighed, and pulled out a video camera.

"A video camera?" I asked, puzzled.

"Well," Jenny scuffed her toe. "I know you've played with the idea of starting a YouTube channel... well, here's the equipment. And also," she said quickly, as I opened my mouth the interrupt her. "I know you want to be an actress, too, so you can send videos of you acting all over."

I smiled. "Thanks, Jenny," I grinned.

"This means you'll actually have to try out for auditions now, you know," Jenny smirked.

"I know," I sighed. Jenny laughed.

Then she threw her arm around my shoulders. "Come on, best friend. Let's have some fun."


I stirred awake the next morning, still groggy. I hadn't staggered into bed until about 2 am last night. I had just kicked off my wedges and crawled in. I was still in my dress from last night.

I groaned, and grabbed my laptop, rolling onto my back. I opened it, and typed in my password. I planned on looking up some auditions.

I scrolled through my options. The only one that stuck out was an audition for the comedic relief character in an action movie. Getting a little excited, I opened the tab to look at the extra info. I scanned the information quickly, and groaned.

The audition was next week, in London.

I sighed. I was about to close the laptop when I decided to go on drive and add the date to my calendar, just in case. As soon as I opened up my google account, however, I saw I had a new email.

Figuring it was an advertisement, I opened it so I could delete it quickly. Then I saw the email address.

My mouth dropped open. No. Freaking. Way.

Had Dan actually responded to my email!?

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