Chapter Fifty-Five

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I hadn't even noticed who was to be marrying Phil and Jenny. Much to my surprise, Connor Franta stood there, in a blazer, slacks, and with a bow tie around his throat.

"Welcome, dearly beloved," Connor began. "to the wedding of Jennifer Sara Mason to Philip Michael Lester. My name is Connor Franta, and you may all call me Host Franta."

Everyone chuckled. Dan's bright smile lit up the hall as he looked down at his shoes.

"I've had the honor of getting to know Phil in this last year in a half. Unfortunately, I've only know Jenny for a few months, but I was honored to be asked to be the one here today. Even though I'm an American."

"It's because he's good with words!" Phil called over the laughter. He was holding both of Jenny's hands tight in his own.

"So, I must say, even though I haven't know these two as long as, say, Dan has, I've seen remarkable growth from both. I've been a viewer of Lillette's videos since she first started making them, so I saw the first time Jenny was ever in camera. From that time two years ago to today, she has progressed remarkably. She went from a shy, silly, friend of a YouTuber to a beautiful, talented, relatable, and independent woman."

Jenny flushed, examining the floor.

"And Phil has changed too," Connor went on. "We've all seen Fetus Phil. Fringe as long as his face, filming in front of an unmade bed, singing Toxic shirtless for views... that's hardly the man who stands before us today. Phil has matured in ways I can only dream of. He's become more comfortable in his own skin, and in his best friend Dan's words, he's just a lovely person."

Dan and Phil both turned bright red.

"Oh, stop it, Connor," I teased. "You're embarrassing them!"

Connor smiled at me as the crowd chuckled again.

"Now, I may have been a funny guy so far," Connor went on, a new air of seriousness surrounding him. "But I want you to take the next things I say with a grain of salt. These are your vows. They're forever binding. You are hereby pledging yourselves to each other for. Ever."

I half smiled.

"You sure you want to go on with this?" Asked Connor.

"Pretty sure, yeah," grinned Phil.

"Never been surer about anything in my whole life!" Jenny said.

"Alright," Connor nodded. "As I understand it, you have some vows you've written for each other? Jenny, you may go first. And folks, I haven't heard these yet. I'm probably gonna cry."

Jenny smiled and reached into her bra, pulling out the folded piece of paper. She pulled it out, cleared her throat, and began to read.

"Philip Michael Lester," she began. "Those four years ago when I first moved to London, I had no idea what I was in for. I just knew that I wanted to be a writer, and I'd heard that I could pursue my dream here. That day you found me by the London Eye, my life changed forever. So, here are my vows to you, these four years later. Four years may not seem like much. But it's enough. I promise to always be there for you, and to always have your back. If you receive hate, I'll hate right back. If you need inspiration for a video, I'll be there. We are the YouTube power couple, and I think we could even give Lil and Dan a run for their money."

It was my turn to examine my shoes as my cheeks heated up. Damn, and is gonna be on Louise and Alfie's channels!

"I promise to pick up after your mismatched socks, and blow out every candle you leave burning. I promise to give you free space, and listen when you want to talk. If you ever want me, you need only call and I'll be there. These are my vows to you on our wedding day... my Philly. My lion. My love."

Just Friends (Dan Howell)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang