Chapter Thirty-One

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"Hello, hello, hello, England!" Dan spoke into his microphone. "Welcome to this very special Christmas broadcasting! You're probably used to the routine by now. Oh, it's Dan talking, that means they brought Dan and Phil in for a Christmas show. Right?"

Phil interrupted him. "Wrong! Well, yes, I'm here too. Hi. But it is not the average Dan and Phil broadcasting! Please welcome to the, er, airwaves... Jenny and Lillette!"

"Hallooooo, England!" Jenny sang into Phil's microphone. They were sharing a microphone, as were Dan and I. We'd been shunted into the double recording studio, so we only got two microphones. I didn't really understand it, either.

"Yes, that's right, this a double show!" I cried. "Not only are there Dan and Phil, but you've also got Jenny and Lillette! Sssh, don't tell, but they kidnapped us."

"We're here against our will!" Jenny groaned.

"Oh, shut up," Dan rolled his eyes. "But yeah. The four of us are here for the next two hours, so stay tuned on this wonderful Christmas day. Enjoy this next song, Kiss You by One Direction."

Phil reached over and hit play, then I removed my headphones. "This is gonna be so much fun," I grinned.

Jenny nodded, also removing her headphones. "I hear they want us to play Innuendo Bingo."

"Ohh, no!" Phil cracked up. "I'm so bad at that!"

Jeremy, our manager, gestured wildly at Phil. Earphones off!

Phil, startled, dropped his earphones. He placed his hands over his face, embarrassed. Dan sighed, rolled his eyes, leaned over, and retrieved Phil's headphones.

Thanks, Phil mouthed.

We continued to make small chat, then the song ended. Dan said, "That was a pretty good song, eh? Fun, fun, fun!"

"You're a filthy Directioner," I giggled.

"So are you!" Complained Dan. "You're coming with me to a One Direction concert in January!"

"Shush!" Jenny laughed. "Don't tell the world that!"

"Oops," Dan snorted.

"Well, we just got a cue from our manager," Phil said. "We are gonna be playing some very special games, for this show only! This two hour long Christmas special! Now, we've got a spinner here. We're gonna spin randomly, and whatever it lands on, we're gonna play that."

Jeremy had indeed provided us with a circular spinner board. It had many different games. One of them was, as we were told, Innuendo Bingo. Others were like The Plastic Wrap Cage, and Sing-Off. There was even a Paint Twister on there. I prayed we didn't get that one.

"Would you like the honors?" Phil asked Dan.

"I'd love to, Phil," Dan said, giving the arrow a good, hard spin.

I watched the arrow, anxiety built up in my throat. The arrow landed on...

YouTuber Impersonations.

"Great!" Jenny bust out laughing. "This should be good, I can't impersonate YouTubers at all!"

"Well, they've got a list over on their computer," I said, looking at Jeremy in the corner on his laptop. "So enjoy this next song while we get arranged. It's Ain't No Rest For the Wicked by Cage the Elephant!"

We got to work. Jeremy pulled up a random list generator on his laptop. He would randomly select a name of a YouTuber and we would have to take turns impersonating that YouTuber. Then the people listening would vote on who they thought did the best.

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