Chapter Fifty-Six

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While the bridal party got arranged at the head table, I got to talking with Clary. We made idle chatter, then the guests started file in. Shelby, Leo, and Cameron sat at the table closest to the head table, along with Alfie, Marcus, Tanya, Niomi, and Caspar.

Connor stood behind the newlyweds, and after about ten minutes, he tapped his microphone. "May I have everyone's attention?"

Slowly, the chatter stopped. I looked away from Clary and turned instead to Host Franta.

"Hello, everybody," Connor said. "Don't fear, the dinner will be getting underway soon. But I shall be taking this lovely bridal party outside for about thirty minutes for photos. We will return soon, please enjoy your cocktail hour dinner! Come on, bridal party, this way, please."

Connor led us out of the reception hall. We went around the building, to where there was a beautiful, green, lush field of grass, dotted with blooming cherry blossom trees.

"Okay, newlyweds first," Connor said. Jenny and Phil intertwined fingers and marched over to stand beneath one cherry tree.

The photographer clicked away. Jenny and Phil posed politely, smiling warmly at the camera. Then he allowed them two pictures of their own desire. For the first one, Phil swept Jenny up in his arms bridal style, and they touched noses, scrunching up their faces.

After that, they put their arms around each other's shoulders, faced the camera, stooped over, and made horrific derps.

"Alright!" Connor called. "Now, each duo in the bridal party gets a picture together. Faith and Jim, you first."

The pair smiled sweetly for the camera, then flexed their muscles for the camera, grimacing bravely and pointing at their biceps.

"Alright, Louise and Pj next!"

Louise and Pj knew each other from before, so their pictures were perfect. They just had a sort of charisma about them.

"Zoe and Joe!"

The siblings smiled and stepped out. Zoe smiled her normal, adorable smile, and Joe grinned hugely. Then, for their goofy picture, they both grimaced just like the Sugg siblings they were. I laughed.

Clary was ecstatic when she stepped up with Chris. She couldn't believe that she was standing there with a big YouTuber. Chris smiled, slipping an arm around her waist for etiquette, and they posed. And then, for their silly picture, Chris whispered in her ear. Clary giggled.

Chris crouched, and Clary climbed up onto his shoulders, her legs round his neck. Then he straightened up, and they both flexed their biceps, snarling at the camera.

"Alright, Dan and Lil!"

We stepped up to the tree. Dan put his arm around my waist, and we smiled. Then, as if on unspoken signal, we stuck our tongues out and crossed our eyes.

"Alright, entire bridal party."

I was getting quite bored of photos, so I tried my best to get this one right on the first try. Fortunately, it was just dandy.

"Great job, everyone!" The photographer announced, popping a fallen cherry into his mouth. "You can head back in now."

We thanked him, and followed Connor back into the reception hall.

Once there, Connor told us (the bridal party) to have a seat and start eating. Jenny and Phil were to wander around the tables, greeting and introducing themselves to every guest.

Gladly, I plopped down and dug into dinner. It was roast chicken, potatoes, and green beans. Yum!

At one point, I decided to ask Clary about her apparent steady boyfriend. Her eyes got a bit of a misty look over them.

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