Chapter Twenty-Two

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I stepped back inside, shuffling through the mail. As I flicked past each envelope, I muttered to myself. "Junk... Junk... Junk... urgh, bills. Junk-- oh, hey!" I pulled out an envelope that had a soft orange color. The return address was written in black, loopy, curly letters.

Shelby Fauster.

"Hey, Jenny!" I called, smiling. "We got a letter from Shelby!"

Jenny appeared from the kitchen, drying her hands on a dish towel. "Really?" Her face lit up when I waved the envelope at her.

"Let's open it!" I exclaimed, tossing the other junk mail onto the sofa and sitting at the kitchen table. Jenny threw the towel back onto the kitchen counter, then pulled out a chair, sitting beside me and leaning over my shoulder.

I ripped open the colorful envelope, pulling out a piece if thick, folded paper. It had a beautiful light pink swirl design tracing the edges. On the cover of the paper, it said in golden, embossed, calligraphic font, Celebrate With Us!

I opened it. On the inside top flap, it said, Save the Date. Then, it read, You are invited to the betrothal of Shelby Colleen Fauster to Leo Flynn Cook.

"Oh my god!" I shrieked.

Jenny squealed and snatched the invitation away, reading it, a gleeful look on her face. "Hey!" I giggled, reaching for it. "I wanna read it, too!"

"It's in three days!" She exclaimed, her face slack.

"Such short notice!" I gasped, whipping out my phone.

"Here, we gotta RSVP," Jenny said, showing me the number. It was Shelby's.

I rang her. After two rings, she answered. "Hello?"

"Shelby!" I shrieked.

There was a moment of silence. I was such a bad friend, I hadn't contacted Shelby since I moved. So of course, she was super confused. Then, Shelby whispered softly, "Lillette?"

"We just got your invitation!" I shouted into the phone. "Congratulations!!!"

"Oh my gosh, it really is you!" Shelby sounded overjoyed. "But... you just got my invitation? I sent them out over four months ago!"

"Well, I don't know, but we just got it, and Jenny and I are RSVPing!" I was so excited, I couldn't contain it. "We are going to book flights and get there! Oooh, I'm so excited for you, Shelly!"

"Oh my gosh, I can't wait to see you guys," Shelby squealed. "I've missed you so much! I'm so delighted that you're coming, ohhh, this is so great, Leo will be so happy you're coming, did you know that you're the one who convinced him to build up the courage to ask me?" She was rushing her words.

"Thats amazing," I cheered.

"How are things with you guys?" She asked.

"Great, actually!" The words were out before I considered them. "Jenny has a boyfriend, and I was pretty good friends with her boyfriend's flatmate--"

"Oh, they both have to come, then!" Shelby cut me off. "What are their names?"

"Well, Jenny is dating a guy named Phil, but his flatmate Dan and I aren't--" I tried again.

"Awesome, tell them that they can both come! Oh my gosh, I can't wait to tell Leo. He's out shopping right now, but he'll be so happy to hear you called." Shelby was going into machine-gun mode again.

I laughed and shook my head slightly. "Alright, Shell."

"Okay, well, you probably have tons of stuff to do. I would have made you a bridesmaid, but I figured you'd be too busy. Sorry. Congratulations on your YouTube channel! Love you, Lillette, tell Jenny I miss her face, see you on Thursday! Kiss, kiss!" Then the line went dead.

I cracked up laughing.

That was one thing that I loved about Shelby. Sometimes she got so excited and so caught up in getting her message across that you can't get a word in edgewise.

Jenny turned and smiled to me. "Well, we better go shopping for our dresses!"


On Tuesday night, at 11:30, Jenny, Phil, Dan and I all filed into the airport, carrying big bags, ready for the eleven-hour flight back to California.

We got our tickets, and went through security. Then we waited by the terminal. Phil and I made polite chatter. I knew that he felt a little awkward because of our last encounter, and I couldn't blame him.

"So," Jenny asked, leaning over my shoulder. "How much do you wanna bet that Shelby's a weepy bride?"

"I'd bet my mom's old China set!" I said formally. "The entire thing!"

"So... how about ten bucks on her shedding a tear?" Jenny wagered.

"Your betting on your friend's emotional state?" Phil asked in disbelief. "Doesn't that seem a little... wrong to you?"

Jenny considered this. Then she said, "Hmmmm... nope, nothing wrong is coming to mind. So, Lil, you on?"

"Nah," I shrugged. "Phil's got a point. This might be the most important day of her life. I don't want to bet on whether she cries or not."

"Wanna hear a corny joke?" Phil asked suddenly.

"Sure," I shrugged.

"Okay, here it is," Phil sat up, folding his hands together. "Wanna hear a joke about Sodium?"

"Na!" Dan and I shouted at exactly the same time.

We exchanged a glance, and Dan cracked a smile. I was pleasantly surprised.

Phil fake-pouted. "Party poopers."

Jenny giggled and comforted her boyfriend, granting him a quick kiss.

After another five minutes of waiting, the terminal opened, we grabbed our bags, and boarded the plane. Jenny and I were sitting beside each other in one row, with Dan and Phil right in front of us.

I was by the window, as was Dan. I leaned back in my chair, and shut my eyes while people finished boarding.

"Aren't you excited?" I asked Jenny, eyes still closed.

"Yep!" I heard her reply. "I'm excited that our flight leaves at midnight, because it means I get to sleep!"

I laughed.

Finally, every one had boarded, and I pulled out my phone. The plane rumbled down the tarmac, then there was a loud CHUNK, and we were in the air. I took an artsy picture of nighttime London as we circled above it, and posted it to instagram and Twitter.

"Good night," Jenny yawned from beside me, snuggling down.

"Good night, Jennifer," Phil murmured from in front of us.

I settled back in my chair. Then I smirked, reached out in front of me, and poked Dan's neck.

"AAASSSKFFFLLLLAMFNDJSKS!" Dan hissed, flinching and batting at my hand.

I giggled, and slid my hand back so that it was clutching his seat.

"That was unkind, ma'am!" Dan said in a flat tone. "Not something a drowsing man likes to feel!"

I snorted.

Dan turned in his seat, and stared at my hand. "Please let go of my chair."

The warm feeling in my stomach disappeared. I dropped my hand. "Sorry."

"Hm," Dan murmured, turning back around and settling down.

Phil turned and shot me an apologetic look, then he too closed his eyes.

I pulled out my phone one more time. Jenny, Phil, and Dan had all tweeted.

Dan Howell: Setting off for California with some friends! Will tweet if I don't fall on a deserted island and go all Lord of the Flies!

Phil Lester: Jenny invited me to a wedding for one of her friends yay Headed to California for it now!

Jenny Mason: Yaaaaay congrats Shelby! Can't wait to see you!!!!!

I smiled, and shut my eyes once more. I put in ear buds, and settled down for a nice, long nap.

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