Chapter Fifty-Four

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The big day arrived.

Jenny and Phil had decided to get married in Wilton's Music Hall, so we stood in a side room fussing over Jenny.

By "we", I of course meant the bridesmaids. Clary was adjusting Jenny's veil, Zoe was messing with her train, Louise was making sure Jenny's bouquet was perfect, Faith had run off to make sure the orchestra was prepared, and I was talking down my anxious friend.

"You'll be fine," I told her as she hyperventilated. "Phil married you for you, and he's gonna go through with it. He's out there right now, eagerly awaiting his wife. And tomorrow morning, you're off on a plane to the Bahamas! Just think of that."

"I'm overreacting, aren't I?" She smiled weakly.

"Just a tad," I giggled.

"Hello, everybody," I heard Louise whispering into a vlogging camera. "Well, today is the big day. My good friend Jenny is getting married to Phil. You've probably all heard they're engaged-- I mean, Phil filmed a collab with her called The Engagement Tag-- and I'm going to vlog this special day-- if it's alright with Jenny." She looked over at us

I nodded at her, since Jenny was too strung out to pay any attention.

"Awesome," Louise said. "Well, we're gonna head out soon, and I'll try and get some footage of the ceremony if I can. Goodbye for now!" She turned the camera off and stuck it in her bra.

Suddenly, Jenny gave a wild jump. "Was that the orchestra?"

"No," I sighed. "That was Faith on the steps."

Sure enough, Faith was then in the doorway. "The guests are arriving," she said. "I'm walking out in about five minutes."

"Oh, sweet holy Jesus, I'm not ready!" Wailed Jenny.

"Yes, you are!" I said. "You've got your vows, you've got your dress, and most importantly, you've got your love for Phil."

Jenny's breathing eventually slowed. "You're right."

"Of course I am," I replied.

Then, a loud piano note struck out.

"Now that," I said with a smile. "That was the orchestra."

We all left the room and stood on the top of the stairs. The boys (minus Phil) eventually emerged. Faith started down the steps, and Jim met her at the bottom. They linked arms, and started down the aisle. It was funny, because Jim is like 6'3" or something, and Faith is tiny at 5'1".

Then, suddenly an older gentleman was making his way up the stairs toward us. I recognized him. I'd spent enough weekends at his house.

"Hi, Dad Kyle," I greeted Jenny's dad.

He smiled at me, and stood at Jenny's side. "Are you ready, my sweet?" He asked.

"I think so," she breathed, reaching down her bra and pulling out a folded piece of paper that held her vows.

Zoe walked out next, and joined her brother. The siblings walked down the aisle together.

"You just let me know if Phil lays a hand on you," Kyle said. "He'll be out of this family before he can say, Hey, guys!"

Jenny laughed nervously.

Louise walked down the steps and met with Pj, who bowed courteously, offering his arm. What a gent.

"Where's Dan?" I asked suddenly. He wasn't at the top of the stairs, and he was my escort.

"He's almost here," Kyle said. "Don't fret."

Clary bid us farewell, and practically glowing, took Chris' arm.

"Can I fret now?" I asked nervously.

"Head down there," Kyle told me.

Reluctantly, I did so. I stood, looking foolish, at the bottom of the stairs. Then, Dan emerged at the top of the boy's stairs, and, straightening his tie, rushed down the steps.

"Sorry," he panted when he reached the bottom. "Forgot how to tie a tie for a moment, I was so nervous."

I couldn't help but chuckle. I took Dan's arm and we walked into the hall.

I saw so many faces I recognized. Shelby, bouncing a baby boy on her lap, with Leo beside her. Marcus and Niomi, smiling warmly. Caspar Lee, struggling to keep a serious face.

Alfie has his vlogging camera out. I did a peace sign to it before splitting away from Dan. He whispered, "See you." Then, I was standing beside Clary.

"I'm kinda nervous," I muttered out of the corner of my mouth. "Like, I have some butterflies."

"I do too," Clary breathed back. "Remember eighth grade, Jenny's birthday sleepover? She had a huge crush on Jackson Caleo, and was positive they were gonna get married. Then in our sophomore year, she was madly in love with Christopher Saylen, and was positive that they were gonna get married. Never woulda guessed she marries AmazingPhil, huh?"

I hadn't thought about that. When you're young, and you get a crush on someone, it's brief. You are obsessed with them for a few months, then get over them. When you're in love, like Jenny and Phil are, it's permanent. You're forever.

I was pulled abruptly from my thoughts by Jenny appearing in the aisle.

She clutched onto Kyle's arm, blinking hard and fast, biting her lip, and clutching her bouquet so tightly I thought she'd break it. She arrived, standing next to me and facing Phil, and Kyle departed, sitting beside his wife.

I looked at my best friend in that moment, and was positively bursting with pride. Jenny's eyes shone with love for the man standing before her.

I can't wait for someone to make me look like that.

And almost subconsciously, my eyes travelled past Jenny, past Phil, and landed on Dan. His eyes were glued on Phil, a smile playing on his lips.

Then, the ceremony began.

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