Chapter Fifty-Two

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I got up in the morning around 7. I know, I'm crazy. But I felt bad about the argument I had with Jenny last night, and I wanted to make up for it. I got to work making her pancakes.

Twenty steamy, batter-filled minutes later, I put four pancakes on a plate, sprayed whipped cream onto them, and drizzled syrup across the top of the whole thing. Then, I grabbed a fork and knife, and poured a glass of Orange Juice.

It was finally ready.

Holding the plate in my left hand and the juice in my left, I made my way to the hallway. I knocked on the door with my head. "Je-e-enny?" I called.


In a quick moment of dexterity, I turned the handle, then bumped the door open with my butt. Jenny was sitting upright in bed, her hair messy, her laptop open. She was writing.

She looked up and saw me. Her eyes widened.

"Hey, Jen," I said quietly. "I wanted to apologize for snapping at you last night, so I made you breakfast."

"Thanks," Jenny whispered. She took the plate and the juice and started to eat. "A little dry," she said round a mouthful of food. "But I suppose it'll do."

I laughed, and pretty soon the two of us were laughing and chatting just like old times.

~Two months Later~

Halloween had come and gone. This year, we had gone as emotions from Inside Out. We had even completed the act with Phil (Joy) dragging Dan (Sadness) around by his leg! Oh yeah, I was Disgust, Jenny was Anger, and we got Joe to tag along and be Fear.

I must say, it was very satisfying to walk out of my room, hips swishing, and emerge in the lounge in order to say, "You guys look so 80s, I might barf!"

Jenny turned around, and she looked furious. She stalked over to my and spat, "What did you just say?"

"Guys, guys, let's not argue..." Joe ran over, but Jenny punched him in the gut.

Dan was laying on his back on the floor. "Life is pointless..." he muttered.

"Aw, come on, guys!" Phil cheered. "Don't be sad! Let's get out there and get some candy! What do you say? Dan?" He turned, looking at his friend.

"My legs don't work when I'm held down by the weight of life's problems," Dan deadpanned. He held a leg up. "You'd have to drag me."

Phil frowned. Then he smiled again, marched over to his friend, and grabbed the crook of Dan's knee. "Well, if I have to! Come on, all!"

He threw the door open, and skipped through it, dragging Dan behind him.

"Ugh," I complained, walking after them. "Candy is so bad for my complexion."

"Can I beat up the children in order to steal their candy?" Growled Jenny.

"Halloween is really scary!" Joe whimpered.


I remember the date. November 12. Jenny and Phil were getting married on November 27. Jenny and I were gonna go shopping on November 13 for her wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses.

I was sitting on the couch at 11 am on the 12 of November, when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said upon answering it.

"Lillette!" Leo's breathless voice came across the line. "Oh my god, it's happening!"

"What?" I asked, suddenly concerned. "What's happening? Are you okay?"

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