Chapter Four

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Jenny and I passed tons of awesome shops on our way to Starbucks. We saw cute shoes, pretty dresses, and game stores. People wouldn't guess it, but we were both huge dorks. We'd both grown up playing Pokémon and Final Fantasy (amongst other things), so we knew our stuff.

Around 12:55, we arrived at the Starbucks. My heart was pounding. I glanced around, but didn't see Dan or Phil. How hard can two six foot tall guys be to find?

I ordered a hot chocolate, and Jenny got a white chocolate macchiato. After we got our drinks, we sat down at a table by the window, and made small talk.

1:05 came and went.

"What if he's not coming?" I breathed.

Jenny snorted into her macchiato. "Dan is late to everything. The only way he's ever on time is because Phil drags him around. They'll show up, trust me."

I nodded, still nervous.

Finally, around 1:10, I saw two very familiar faces walk into the coffee shop.

Dan was taller than Phil, but not by much. They both had pink cheeks, and they're hair looked a little damp, though it seemed that Dan had just put away an umbrella. Hobbit hair prevention, I thought and couldn't help but smirk.

They got in line, and I noticed Dan glancing around. Phil was gazing intently at the menu, but Dan was looking everywhere except for the board.

Jenny opened her mouth to say something, but I shushed her.

Finally, Dan and Phil placed their orders. While they waited, they started looking around. Just as Phil was about to look at Jenny, their names were called. They both picked up their drinks.

A little squeal escaped my lips. I inwardly swore. I was going to do everything in my power NOT to be a fangirl. But I had seen Dan grab his cup, and his hands were just as huge as they seemed in the videos. His hands, that always seemed awkwardly sized. Yet, they just seemed to be Dan.

Phil turned around once again, and saw Jenny. His face broke into a huge grin, and Jenny turned a little pink as she waved at him. He came over.

"Hey, Jenny," he greeted her. I almost gasped. His voice-- it was just like it sounded in videos. And his "hey jenny" sounded almost just like his "hey guys". My heart beat very fast.

"Hey, Phil," Jenny replied.

"Who's this?" Asked Phil, looking at me. "Haven't seen her before."

Dan came over to stand beside Phil.

Jenny said quite loudly, "This is my new flatmate, Lillette Baker. She just moved here from California." She stared pointedly at Phil.

Phil's eyes widened, but before he could say anything, Dan stepped up.

"You're Lillette?" He asked me.

Oh, God, danisnotonfire is talking to me!

"Yes," I murmured, surprised at how steady my voice was.

"Hi!" Exclaimed Dan, setting down his steaming coffee cup and holding his arms out for a hug.

Slowly, I stood up and hugged him. His chin rested right above my head, and I was startled at how normal he was. Just a regular, warm person.

Then Dan released me, and Phil hugged me next.

When Phil let go, I saw Jenny smirking. I glared at her, and she giggled.

"It's great to finally meet you," Dan smiled. Oh god, it's his dimple.

"Thanks, I can't believe I'm actually talking to you guys!" I stuttered.

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