Chapter Forty-Eight

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Jenny and I were on a panel about adapting to a new environment. Since we'd both moved to London from America, we were obvious candidates. There was also Tyler Oakley, done with his short time on the main stage, Caspar Lee, Lilly Singh, and Zoe.

The panel was fun, and we learned about more about Caspar. Soon, however, the panel was over, and we were free to another hour of bliss. Joe had a book signing for his comic book, so we headed to visit him.

He'd already been signing for about thirty minutes. We crept up behind his booth.

The girl who was next in line saw us and grinned. She beckoned us over, placing us in line in front of her. We stood there, and pretty soon it was our turn to walk up. Joe grabbed a graphic novel from a stack to his left and opened it to the front page.

"Who's is for?" He asked without looking up.

"Lillette Baker and Jenny Mason," I replied promptly.

Joe was already working on the "M" in Mason before he stopped. He looked up and sighed. "Bloody hell!"

I laughed. "Carry on, Sugg!"

He finished off Jenny's name and handed us the book. "I'll see you guys later," he waved us off. "Now, stop barging in on other YouTubers!"

Laughing loudly, Jenny and I wandered around VidCon. We grabbed some food, realizing that we hadn't eaten all day. I ate a hotdog, and Jenny got some pepperoni pizza. Pretty soon, we had to go to the main stage.

We disposed of the remnants of our snack, then headed that way. We arrived, and Dan and Phil were already there.

"This should be fun," I smiled, pulling out my phone.

"Can't wait to make a fool of myself in front of hundreds of people!" Dan said sarcastically, giving me a thumbs up. I punched him lightly in the arm, and he snorted.

Our names were soon called, and we walked onstage. We greeted the crowds, and began the game.

We used my phone. I started by filming Dan. "Alright, Dan," I said. "Crawl through my legs!"

"What?" Gasped Dan. "But-- I'm so-- ack, alright!"

He got onto his knees, I spread my legs, and he tried to crawl through. Unfortunately, my legs are not all that long, and Dan is not small.

"Ack-- Dan!" I squealed. "No-- waaagh!"

Dan gave up, and sat up. I was lifted on his back, and slid forward, falling onto the stage. Everyone in the room was laughing.

"That," I choked out between laughs, "was most definitely a fail!"

Dan shrugged. I handed him the phone after pressing the "failed it" button, and he filmed Phil. Phil had to name seven colors, and he also failed his challenge. Jenny was supposed to spell Unicorn, getting louder with each word, and she was the first of us to nail it.

Then it was my turn.

"Okay, Lil," Jenny said to me. "Will you please... sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in a scary voice?"

"The whole song?" I gasped. "Oh, right, um, sorry--" I dropped my voice to a scratchy monotone. "Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are up above the--"

"Time's up!" Jenny giggled.

"What?" I exclaimed. "That's impossible!"

"Oh, Jenny's winning, we gotta make a comeback!" Dan cried, rubbing his hands together.

"Right!" Phil agreed.

In the end, Phil ended up winning. How fitting, seeing as he was the creator of the challenge. We waved goodbye to the crowd and headed offstage. The first day of VidCon was coming to end, but the day was in no way over.

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