Chapter Fifty-Three

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The next day, we went shopping.

We started off at a bridal boutique. Jenny looked through every single rack, searching for the perfect dress. She found several that look gorgeous, but she just wasn't satisfied.

"Jenny," I said. "Why don't you like these ones?"

"They're just not quite right," Jenny pouted. "Let's keep looking!"

We did look. For six hours we looked, to no avail. None of the dresses were perfect for her.

Finally, we left the bridal boutique, and Jenny collapsed, discouraged, on a bench outside. She sniffled into her hands. I sat down next to her.

"This was supposed to be a dream shopping experience," whimpered my best friend, scrubbing at her eyes. "I mean, I'm shopping for my wedding day! Why can't I find the right dress?"

"We'll find one," I said soothingly, rubbing her back. "I know we will. We just gotta keep looking."

Jenny wiped at her face. "Okay. I'm okay now. Let's keep going."

So we found another bridal boutique. In this one, the ladies working there were much more helpful. We were nearing around 2 in the afternoon, and one of the women, named Sheryl, came back holding a beautiful white gown.

"Try this one, lovely," she told Jenny.

Jenny disappeared into the changing room, and reappeared in a moment looking absolutely stunning. The gown was strapless, with little sequins on the top piece. It clung to her waist and hips, then elegantly draped off and trailed behind her. She shimmered with each step.

"You look stunning," I said.

"Best one yet!" Sheryl clapped.

Jenny turned in a quick circle, examining herself in the mirror. A smile spread across her face. She turned to me and nodded.

"This is the one."

We paid for her dress, then we stopped in a park for a bite of lunch and to plan out our next stop.

"Okay," Jenny said, looking at her list as she took a bite of sandwich. "The maid of honor is you, the bridesmaids are gonna be Zoe, Louise, Clary, and Faith."

"Faith?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah," Jenny turned to me. "Did I not tell you? We've been texting ever since the New Year's Eve party."

"I did not know this," I said.

"Oh, well, now you do!" Grinned Jenny. "So we know that you're a medium, Zoe is a small, Louise is a large, Clary is a medium, and Faith is like an extra small or something. Now we just need to find an appropriate dress that will come in all those sizes."

"Better get to work, then," I said, shoving the last bite deli sandwich into my cheek and dusting off my hands as I stood up.

We wandered all around town, searching for a midnight blue dress.

We found the right dress in TopShop, funny enough. Jenny handed me a strapless, midnight blue, short little thing, and I tried it on. It fit spectacularly. Plus, it was super cute.

Jenny called the other bridesmaids. Zoe, Louise, and Faith all said they were on their way and would be there soon. Clary, who wasn't arriving till the 20, said to buy one for her but keep the receipt, and she'd try it on as soon as she arrived in London.

Zoe was the first to arrive. She looked super cute in the dress, and agreed it was perfect. Faith was next, and she gave a high-pitched squeal, spinning around so that the dress lifted. Louise was last to arrive, and kept doing cute little bobbing-curtsies.

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