Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Kyle got to his feet. He said a few words about how proud he was of Jenny, what a gentlemen she had managed to find, and how he hoped she would live happily in love for the rest of her life. I didn't catch it word for word. I spaced out a bit.

After Kyle, Connor picked three people. Leo, Marcus, and Jim all toasted to the newlyweds.

"Alright, our next speech is from the brother of the groom, Martyn."

Now Martyn said a few words. While he spoke, Dan and I had a silent but intense staring contest.

His eyes bored into mine, and I wiggled my eyebrows, smirking. Dan didn't try to throw me off, he just kept watching me. I sighed slowly, shaking my head. Dan exhaled in reply.

"Alright, and the third toast? Ah, hello, Alfie."

"Hi, yes," Alfie said, standing up and raising his glass. Apparently I'd been so lost in the staring contest that Martyn finished speaking, and it seemed that Shelby and Tanya had toasted already.

"I'd like to toast," Alfie went on. "to happiness. I know that Phil was a little reluctant to invite me, but I'm honored to be here. Being here on this day had made me happier than I could ever imagine. It makes me look forward to my own wedding day."

I saw Zoe blush.

"So, I wish you two all the best going forward, and I hope you live long and happy together. Cheers." Alfie motioned his glass towards the wedded couple, and then drank.

"Cheers," we all echoed, toasting to the newlyweds.

"Alright, folks, next up we're gonna pass out dessert if you want some. We have three different kinds of ice cream, but remember, there's the cutting of the cake later!" Connor informed the crowd.

As the crowd got to chatting, Connor approached me. "Your speech is going to be while everyone's eating. Once they've all been served, I'll announce it, and you'll give your speech."

"Sounds good," I said.

Pretty soon, every one had ice cream. Connor got everyone's attention.

"Hello, all. I hope you enjoy your ice cream, and while you eat we have another speech. This one will be from the maid of honor, Lillette Baker."

I got to my feet, then, and smoothed out my dress. Connor handed me the microphone, I pulled out my speech, and cleared my throat.

"Jenny," I began. "From the first day I you, I knew you were gonna go places. Look at you now. You've almost published your first book, you YouTube channel is almost to a million subscribers, and you're marrying the father of YouTube himself."

Jenny smiled.

"When you left me for soggy old England, I was heartbroken. I moved in with Shelby for the three years or whatever, but it just wasn't the same. Then, you came to visit me on my twenty first birthday, and my heart swelled. When we moved in together, I couldn't contain my happiness. Which is kind of ironic, because when you first moved away I hated England for taking you away. Now I love it for taking me away!"

People chuckled. That's good.

"Anyway, I know this day is important to you, Jenny, as it should be. You've come so far in the what, nine, ten years we've known each other? I'm honored to have been your friend through the good times and the bad, the happy and sad, and I hope that even though you've got a big fancy husband now, you'll still let me be there for all the times to come. Congratulations, Jenny. You earned it."

I sat back down.

Jenny placed a hand over her mouth, her eyes glassy. Oops. I made her cry. I didn't mean to.

"That was beautiful, Lillette," Connor said, taking the Mic back. "Okay, our next speech while you finish up your ice cream is from the best man, Dan Howell. Here you are, Dan."

Dan took the Mic, got to his feet, and pulled out his speech.

"Hi," he said into the microphone, and when it echoed around the whole room, he jumped. "Oh, wow, that's loud. Um, okay, here goes." He turned to Phil.

"Hey mate, congratulations. After all this, you deserve her. Now, I won't get soppy, because you're a little baby and I don't want to make you cry on your wedding day-- no, I'm joking. You'd probably just smile while I collapsed into tears. But onto the whole written-out part of this...." He straightened out the piece of paper and began to read.

"I still remember that day in 2012, when we bumped into the lost little American girl wandering around near the London Eye. I knew right then that she was going to be more than a little friend we gave directions to. I still can see Phil's awestruck look when she thanked him. He looked like a drooling idiot!"

Phil blushed. Jenny looked at him adoringly while people around us laughed.

"But seriously, I can't express how happy I am for you. Now, I won't lie, I'll miss you, Phil. A lot. I'll miss our early mornings of cereal and Anime, and our late night tumblr sessions. I'll miss everyone constantly shipping us together and asking why we aren't married. I'll miss being able to butt in on each other's live shows and videos and embarrass each other. But I won't say I envy you, Jenny, because there are some things I can't say I will miss. Like, his stupid jokes. Jenny, if he makes too many knock-knock jokes, feel free to shove him out a window."

Everyone was holding their breath, listening intently. Dan's speech was way better and longer than mine.

"I won't particularly miss your obsession with decorating everything. I still haven't forgotten that cat sticker on my arm! So there are a few things I won't miss, but I promise, I will miss Phil. You better come back and visit so that we can continue the gaming channel! That's besides the point. It'll be way too quiet in the flat, but I'm glad you've found happiness. I wouldn't want it any other way. Jenny, you're one lucky girl. And Phil, let me just say now..."

Dan sighed heavily. Joe, Alfie, Marcus, and Louise had their cameras trained on him.

"This was the most fun I've ever had."

Dan sat down, and handed Connor the microphone.

"Dan..." Connor said. "That was truly touching. Thank you."

Dan nodded.

I examined my feet. Connor wrapped up dessert, and opened up the dance floor. While people around me stood up, making their way to the floor, Dan came to my side.

"Nice speech," he said politely.

"Oh, shut up," I mumbled.

Dan laughed. Jenny and Phil brushed past us, apparently wanting to waltz. Ben put on a slow dance. Dan stood their awkwardly for a moment, then held out a hand.

"May I have this dance?"

I looked up at the hand. My heart beat fast as I remembered everything that had happened in the last two years. Life was moving very fast. And as Dan's hand was extended out to me, offering me something I desperately wanted to take but was held back from, I had an epiphany.

I smiled and stood up, taking his hand. "I suppose I could grant you as much."

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