Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Dan escorted me to the dance floor. I placed one hand on his shoulder, and grasped his hand in my other. He placed one hand smoothly on my waist. We waltzed.

I noticed Zoe and Alfie also dancing. Then something caught my eye. Joe was whispering into Ben Cook's ear while a grinning Marcus stood nearby.

"Oh, no," I muttered. "What are they up to now?"

"I'm sure we'll find out soon enough," chuckled Dan.

"You know, you're not a bad dancer," I told him.

Just as I said this, Dan stumbled.

"Well done," I said.


We continued to dance. Joe straightened up. Ben gave him the thumbs up.

"I feel bad for Joe," I said. "Why has he been single for so long?"

"I dunno," Dan said. "He's probably looking for the right girl."

"Of course," I snickered, rolling my eyes. "Knowing Joe, he'll probably bump into some girl while up to some mischief in the town and take her to America for a bonding road trip."

Dan laughed.

Just then, Marcus and Joe came sprinting onto the dance floor.

"YEAR SIX DISCOOOOOO!" They bellowed. The slow music stopped. Couples separated, looking disgruntled. A new beat started to play.

"Are you kidding, Joe?" I cried. "Really?"

"Rihanna is queen!" Marcus yelled.

The song playing was Disturbia by Rihanna. They were jumping up and down, fist pumping. I snickered. Dan folded his arms. "They've got to be joking. My Year Six days are far behind me, and I'd rather not relive them."

"Come on, Dan," I giggled.

"I don't see you eagerly dancing either!" He objected.

"That's because I still have dignity!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

All around us, people were slowly converting to Jarcus dancing. They were jumping and fist pumping to the beat. I found myself singing along.

"Its a thief in the night
To come and grab you.
It can creep up inside you
And consume you.
A disease of the mind,
It can control you."

Dan monotoned with me:

For comfort!"

I smiled at him and started dancing on the spot, singing along.

"Throw on your brake lights,
We're in the city of wonder.
Ain't gonna play nice,
Watch out, you just might go under.
Better think twice,
Your train of thought might be altered.
So if you must falter be wise."

Dan rolled his eyes and sighed. "Come on, sing along!" I begged him.

"No." He replied.

"Dance?" I pouted.





"No-- hey, actually I could have one."

I rolled my eyes.

"Your mind is in disturbia.
It's like the darkness in the light.
Am I scaring you tonight?
Ain't used to what your like.

Just Friends (Dan Howell)Where stories live. Discover now