Chapter Sixteen

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Dan walked up to me, and his height suddenly seemed less "awkward Dan" and more "oh-god-this-guy-is-intimidating-somebody-help-me Dan". He towered over me, staring down into my eyes.

"Hi," I squeaked. What was he doing here?

"Lillette, where have you been?" He asked in a quiet voice. I almost would rather he screamed at me.

"W-watching Internet Takeover with J-joe and A-a-a-alfie...." I stammered, faltering when Dan's eyes blazed with sudden fury.

"Oh, yeah, Joe and Alfie, huh?" Dan asked in a soft, conversational tone. "Cool, cool... and during that entire hour it never occurred to you... not once... to maybe, I don't know, do something like... check your phone!?"

The last three words were in a hoarse shout.

The receptionist looked up, her brows furrowed. She was packing up her bag. "I'm sorry, you two, but the visiting hours are over. You're gonna have to go."

Dan turned and sneered at her, then grabbed my wrist, spun around on his heel, and marched from the station, dragging me with him.

Once we were outside, I opened my mouth to protest, but Dan cut me off.

"I was worried, Lillette! I've been sitting there for the last hour! Alone!" He shouted at me. "I called you, but you didn't reply! I didn't know what to do!"

"You didn't call me!" I retorted angrily. If he wanted an argument, I'd give as good as I got. I pulled out my phone. "See, not once--" My jaw dropped open. I had three missed calls from....

"Dan," I whispered. "I'm so sorry."

"Sorry isn't enough, Lil!" Dan was still angry. "You told no one-- no one-- that you were staying! It's one thing if you tell me and I can't contact you. The fact that I had no idea if you were even in the radio station is the part that scared me the most!"

"Then why'd you stay?" I yelled. "You were asleep in there!"

Dan looked positively livid. His face was red, and he blustered for a few moments. "I-- you dare-- after I--"

"I don't need you to take care of me, Dan!" I continued. "I'm twenty-two, I'm an adult, I can take care of myself. You didn't even need to be here in the first place!"

"I wanted to congratulate you on your first radio show!" Dan cried, an incredulous look on his face. "But if you don't want me--"

"Why would I want you?" I snapped. "You're not my boyfriend, Dan Howell, and probably never will be, so stop acting like you are!"

Silence fell across the street.

Dan stared at me, eyes wide. Then he narrowed them, and they grew steely cold. "Fine," he spat. "I thought we had something, but obviously you disagree. It's been fun. I'll see you around, Lil." He turned around.

Oh, God, what have I done?

Before I could say anything, Dan had hailed a taxi and was driving away.

I stood in the cold London night air. The breeze picked up, and with it, the rain began. Drops fell heavy and steady on the pavement and onto me. Within moments, I was soaked. I watched the taxi until it rounded a corner and was lost from sight.

I turned around, marching down the street. "It's his fault, really," I grumbled to myself. "He's been following me around. He needs to get a life of his own. I mean, I have my own life! He doesn't need to be around me all the time! Right?" I stopped walking and looked around.

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