Chapter Twenty-Six

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It was October 30, the day before Halloween. We were out looking for costumes. Yes, I know that Dan, Phil, and Jenny went out weeks ago, but I just wasn't satisfied with our costumes. I'd spoken to my friends, and they were fine with us going out again. 

I still wasn't sure what exactly we were looking for. Then, we came across the cheesiest costume ever.

"1950's barmaid!" I real aloud with a giggle.

"Oh my gosh, can we?" Squealed Jenny.

I snorted, shaking my head slightly in amusement. "Feel free, Jenny, but I'm gonna keep looking."

Just as I said this, Phil whined, "But there's a girl and a boy outfit! We could be a whole crew of employees from the 1950's!"

"Why are you guys so interested?" I laughed. "It's 1950's barmaid and waiter... from America. Not England!"

"That's why it's cool!" Exclaimed Phil. "America is awesome! Besides, when we go trick-or-treating, we're gonna be in America! So what difference does it make?"

"We're seriously going trick-or-treating?" Dan whined, looking up from the costumes he was browsing. 

"Of course!" I cried, grinning like a madwoman.

"Well, we're going as the 1950's barmaid and waiter," Jenny said with finality, swooping the packages off of the shelves. "You guys can join us if you want to, or not. We don't really c--"

"Lil, I found the perfect one!"

I turned. Dan was holding up two costumes. One read, Space Cowgirl. It showed the actress Gina Torres, who played "Zoe" on Firefly, posing in her costume from the show. The other one read, Space Pilot. It showed the actor Alan Tudyk, who played "Wash", Zoe's husband, on the show Firefly. He was posing in his Hawaiian tshirt costume from the show.

I could hardly speak, but Dan saw the happiness on my face. Grinning crookedly at me, he quipped, "I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

I expressed my profound gratitude my slugging him in the arm and trying not to cry while laughing and cursing his name.


"Trick or treat!"

The door opened, and a middle-aged man eyed us. "Aren't you a little old to be trick-or-treating?"

"I may be a grown man on the inside," grinned Phil. "But I'm a child on the outside!"


"No-- wait!" Phil suddenly exclaimed. "I mean-- I'm a grown man on the outside, but a child on the inside!"

The man chuckled, glanced up and down the street, and thrust the candy bowl at us. "Take two each." He caught sight of me and Dan and grinned. Before he could say anything, though, Jenny piped up.

"Sir, why would you give us candy? You're the first person over 23 to do so!"

The man winked at Dan and I. "Let's just say, I aim to misbehave." Then he closed the door.

"What did that mean?" Jenny asked, confused.

I smirked at her. "I'll tell you when you're older, sweetheart."


"I've got more candy than you!"

We were back at Jenny's parents' house. The four of us sat cross-legged on the floor, counting our loot. The rankings were as follows: in fourth place, with 172 pieces, Jenny. In third, with 183 pieces, Phil. In second, with 236 pieces, Dan. Which meant that I was in first, with 237 pieces of candy.

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