Chapter Forty-Two

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Time was speeding up. I wish I had a remote control so that I could stop it. It was hard to believe that Dan and I's argument was almost a whole year ago.

It was early June, which meant that Dan's birthday was coming up. I bought him a beanie from LilTalks Online One-Stop Shop! (For merch). It was black, with white lettering around the cuff that read, I'm allergic to normal people.

His birthday finally rolled around, and it was a small party. It was just me, Jenny, Phil, Dan, and Louise. We all sat in Dan and Phil's lounge, and gave Dan our gifts. Louise gave him a dream diary (he stared at her blankly), Jenny got him a new anime box set (he squealed like a fangirl), and Phil got him a new pair of shoes (he immediately put them on).

Then, I handed him my gift.

"Given to you by popular demand of your fans," I grinned. "They started a petition, and I answered their pleading."

Dan shot me a confused look, and pulled out the beanie. At first he stared at it in confusion, then his face broke into a grin, he threw his head back, and gave a loud hoot of laughter. "HAH!"

I smiled. "So, success?"

"I love it," Dan said, putting it on so that the letters faced outwards. And damn, I could see why his fans wanted him in a beanie. He looked good.

"Great birthday, guys," Dan told us. Then he turned to Louise. "Except for yours. Where did that come from? I mean-- a dream diary? That's like making the girl you like a candle. I mean, really? A candle? A candle?"

Louise cracked up.

We said goodbye, then Jenny and I headed to our flat, and Louise to her home. Upon arrival, I plopped down on YouTube because I'm trash.

"Hey, Jenny," I said suddenly. "You know how Dan says he's number one Phil trash?"

"Yeah," Jenny said. She was writing again.

"He may be Phil Trash number one, but I think I'm Dan trash number one," I informed her with a smirk.

"I can respect that!" Jenny replied.


Pretty soon, we were on a plane again, and I was tweeting. Meet me at VidCon! Can't wait to see your beautiful faces!

The flight took forever... it was eleven hours. Non-stop flight. My butt had lost all feeling by the end of it. I was a drooling nincompoop by the time the pilot announced that we would be landing in LA within ten minutes, and to please buckle our seatbelts and turn off all electronic devices.

"I'm so dead," I growled. "It's such a pain to get here."

"I know," Jenny mumbled.

"At least we're here," Zoe piped up from the seat behind us.

"Way to be positive," Alfie yawned.

"Let's just get off this pl--" Dan tried, but a girl in the back of the plane cut him off.

"Danisnotonfire! AmazingPhil!"

"Crap," growled Dan.

"Dan!" Phil chastised him.

"And ThatcherJoe!" Joe attempted, getting to his feet and doing jazz hands. It was no use. He was too short, surrounded by Dan, Phil, Alfie, Jim, and Marcus.

"Zoella!" Cheered Zoe.

"PointlessBlog!" Alfie promoted.

"Jim Chapman," Jim waved.

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