Chapter Nine

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"So, what happened?"

This was the very first thing Jenny asked me when I got up the next morning. I was very tired, having stayed up till 3 am texting Dan. That hadn't been the original plan, it just sort of happened.

"I've told you, Jen," I yawned, trudging into the kitchen to make cereal. "Nothing! We honestly just filmed a video together and talked!"

I heard a hmph! from the couch. Then, as I poured my milk, she cried out, "Aha!"

"What is it now?" I asked, walking over to the couch holding my bowl of fruity pebbles.

"You guys got pretty chummy in 'Dan Talks,'" Jenny told me with a smirk, showing her laptop screen. She'd paused it just as I had spilled hot chocolate on Dan. His eyes were wide, his hands covering his zone, and I had my mouth in a round, comical O, reaching towards him with one hand with hot chocolate in the other.

"Well, yeah," I acknowledged her statement. "I had just spilled hot chocolate on his nards."

Jenny scoffed and went back to her computer, watching our video.

As I drank the last dregs of milk, Jenny's phone rang. I caught a glimpse of the caller ID. Philly. I smiled to myself.

"Hello?" Jenny answered the phone, and I got up to rinse out my bowl, straining my ears.

"Um, hi," Jenny mumbled. "Yes. Yes. Uh huh. Yeah! Fantastic! Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're free. Great. See you then!" Then she hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked, pretending I didn't know.

"Phil," Jenny replied, getting off the couch. "Him and Dan are coming over here in fifteen minutes."

"What?" I blurted, dropping the bowl. Luckily, it didn't break. "Oh my god, I have to get ready!"

I rushed from the living room, down the hall, and into my bedroom. I couldn't believe that they were going to be here in fifteen minutes!

Why should you care how you look when they see you? A tiny voice whispered in the back of my head. I shook it off. Just because... because I don't want them to find me like I just rolled out of bed! I wouldn't want anyone to see me like that!

I found a navy blue dress. It was long sleeved, v-neck, and clutched to my body until it flared at the waist. I pulled on some black tights underneath, then brushed my hair out. I planned on dyeing it at some point in the future. Or even cutting it.

I heard Dan and Phil arrive and Jenny greet them. I was just getting out my makeup, so I swore. Great! They were already here and I had huge bags under my eyes!

I started adding foundation. There was a knock on my bedroom door. Figuring it was Jenny, I called, "Be out in half a sec!"

"Can I come in? Are you decent?"

I gasped, fumbling with my foundation and dropping it. Dan was standing outside my door. "Oh, my god!" I rushed out of the bathroom and over to my door, yanking it open. Here he stood, in a black leather jacket with black skinny jeans.

"Hi," I muttered breathlessly.

"Hey," he nodded, stepping past me and sitting down on my bed. "You look a little lopsided."

"Oh, Lord," I gasped, tying to hide my face. "I was in the middle of doing my make up!"

He laughed and pulled out his phone. "Carry on."

I walked through my walk in closet, into the bathroom, and resumed doing my foundation. When that was done, I started to doing my mascara.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" I asked conversationally.

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