Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I was flying, soaring above the clouds. I looked down. There was a gap in the clouds, a perfect, round circle. Defying physics, I landed on the clouds and peered through the circle.

Down on the ground, Jenny was standing in a beautiful white wedding dress, looking up into Phil's face. Phil himself was wearing a very handsome black and white tuxedo. Just as I watched, they leaned forward and kissed.

They just got married! I realized with a shock. Then my blood boiled. And they didn't invite me!

That was it. I was gonna jump down there and challenge them. My best friend, not even inviting me to her wedding. Just then, Dan rose through the circle in the clouds, landing in front of me. He wore a bright pink strapless wedding dress, and he had big, dangly earrings in. He also wore heels.

"That was a great wedding!" He cried.

"Umm," I mumbled. "What are you wearing?"

"I was the maid of honor!" Dan explained like I was thick.

"Of course," I smirked. "I should of known."

"Duh," Dan rolled his eyes. "How could you not know that? It's soooo obvious."

"So, she's now Jenny Lester?" I asked conversationally.

"Of course not," snapped Dan. "Now they're Phenny and Jil Mason!"

"I'm really confused," I said.

"Why are you confused, Dilette?"

"What?" I asked, now hopelessly lost.

Dan's face suddenly changed, his hair changing color, becoming lighter, and suddenly Joe was hovering in front of me in a pink dress.

"What-- but Dan-- Joe?" I spluttered.

"You missed the wedding!" Joe-Dan shouted. "You were the best man but you never showed up! Where have you been?"

Joe started to shake. I fell backwards, falling through the clouds. Oh, now the physics kick in. I plummeted downwards, and Joe just flew after me.

"You're crazy!" I screamed at him, wind howling past us.

"You're crazy!" Joe screamed.

"No, you're the one who was Dan a moment ago!"

"No, you're the one who was Dan a moment ago!"

"Huh?" I asked. "You're repeating--"

"Huh? You're repeating--"

"Joe, you're wearing a dress! And flying! What's going on?"

"Joe, you're wearing a dress! And flying! What's going on?"

I screamed, and then I hit the ground. There was a hard jolt, then everything went black. I was being shook, and my limp body was bouncing around wildly.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

My eyes snapped open. Jesus, what a crazy dream! I was still being shook around, so I tried to figure out what was happening.

Then something heavy landed on my shin and I yelped in pain. "What the hell!?"

"Sorry!" Came Jenny's voice, giggling.

That's when my vision cleared. Jenny, Dan, and Phil were all jumping on my bed in their pajamas, beating me with pillows and shrieking and falling off before climbing back up.

"Oi!" I cried gruffly. "Geroff!" I struggled into a sitting position.

As I got up, I threw them all off balance. Jenny and Phil squealed, toppling backwards and landing in a tangle of limbs on my bedroom floor. Dan, however, got his feet caught up in my bedsheets and fell on top of me. My breath burst out of my lungs with a whoooosh!

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