Chapter Eight

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Dan set everything up for me, and I won't lie, I was extremely nervous.

"Have you made a channel yet?" He asked.

I nodded. "It's called LilTalks."

"Don't worry," he grinned at me, and pressed record. "You'll do fine."

I swallowed, and smiled at the camera.

"Hello, there!" I chirped. "And welcome to my channel. I'm not surprised if you're only here because of Dan's video, but I hope you stick around, because I have very exciting plans for the channel."

Dan nodded encouragingly at me.

"So, you may be wondering, who am I?" I decided I'd add a jumpcut here, so I got up and got close to the camera. Then I said in a silly voice, "Who the heck am I?" Then I sat back down.

"My name is Lillette Baker. I am 21, and just moved to London all the way from California to pursue my career as an actress. Well, I say career-- it's really more of a hobby that I hope to make into a career one day!

"So, I've always enjoyed watching YouTubers, but I wasn't inspired until recently to become one! By the way, this is not my room. I'm currently at my good friend Dan's house! Hi, Dan!"

Dan leaned into the shot. "Hi, Internet! That's right, I'm here too!"

"So, Dan, what kind of things have we done here?" I asked him.

"Phil's mum," he joked, then lowered his head. "I'll just-- let myself out." With that, he ducked out of the shot.

"No, but really," I laughed at the camera. "We've had lots of fun. We made hot chocolate," I listed them on my fingers. "We filmed a Q&A, I spilled hot chocolate, Dan tore out my hair. Yeah, it was lots and lots of fun."

I decided to add another jumpcut here, and walked up to the camera, showing it the missing chunk of hair. "Owwwww," I said in a goofy voice.

Then I sat back down and decided to wrap things up. "But, yeah, so, this is my first video. I'm very glad to be a part of the YouTube community, and I hope that your glad to meet me. But hey, come for Howell, stay for Baker, am I right?" I saluted the camera. "Ciao, ciao, guys."

Dan turned off the camera and grinned at me. "Well done."

"Thanks," my heart was beating hard. I couldn't believe how naturally that had come to me.

"Come on, let's edit these bad boys," he laughed. He picked up the camera, and I followed him into the hall, up another flight if stairs and into the office. We sat down, and Dan loaded the footage into his computer.

We decided to work on editing mine first. Dan was very helpful, seeing as I'd never done this before. We added music when appropriate, the jumpcuts looked great, and we added an end screen.

"Do you want to do a voice over?" He asked, motioning to the microphone.

"Sure," I decided. He lowered the microphone, and counted down. "1... 2... 3... go."

"Hey guys, thanks for watching. If you enjoyed it, please give it a big thumbs up, and please click that subscribe button if you want to see more of my videos. No, really. Click the button. Please. I'm being held captive my ogres. It's the only way! Help! Click the subscribe button! Aaaaah! Okay, ttfn." Dan put the audio into the video.

I sat back down, and grinned. The video was uploading.

"It normally takes about ten to fifteen minutes to upload," he told me, getting up. "What do you wanna do?"

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