Chapter Twelve

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Dan and I spent the morning together. I trudged into the living room in bunny slippers around 10 am to find Dan on his phone, his brow creased in concentration.

"Boo" I whispered in his ear.

He jumped, almost dropping his phone. When he recognized me, his face broke into a smile. I went into the kitchen and made us each a bowl of cereal. Then we watched Attack on Titan until Jenny and Phil arrived around noon.

Jenny burst in, her hair a mess and her cheeks red. It must have been cold outside, because Phil's cheeks were red, too. My flatmate looked genuinely happy. They stepped inside, and Jenny kissed Phil on the cheek. "I'm gonna go change, be right back."

Phil looped his arms around her waist. "Don't be too long," he smiled.

"Of course not," Jenny whispered, gently pushing him away with a hand to the chest.

I met Jenny's eyes. She nodded almost imperceptibly, smiling, and I jumped off the couch, turning off the tv as I followed Jenny into her room.

She shut the door behind her and collapsed onto her bed.

"So?" I asked eagerly, sitting down beside her. "How was it?"

Jenny sighed blissfully, closing her eyes and flicking her tongue out to moisten her lips. She seemed to be searching for the right words. Then she opened her eyes, looked at me, and murmured, "Damn amazing."

I laughed, waiting for more information.

"You'd never guess it from Phil," she continued. "But he was goddamm perfect. I don't wanna go into too much detail, but I was shocked. He said the right things, let me take the lead..." she readjusted herself. "You know how they talk about the guy whispering sweet nothings in your ear?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Well," Jenny giggled. "Phil did!"

I roared with laughter, and dropped my tone as I murmured, "Ohh yeah, Jenny... you are like a summer blossom flowering before me."

Jenny's jaw dropped and she laughed, swatting my arm. "Lil!"

We both died of laughter while Jenny pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She changed, and as she pulled the shirt over she said, "Enough about me. I want to know what happened with you and Dan!" Her head cleared the collar and she looked eagerly at me. "Did you kiss or what?"

I but my lip, looking away. Damn.

"You did!" Squealed Jenny. "You kissed!"

"Not exactly," I mumbled. "We rode the London Eye together, and as we were getting off he almost kissed me... but... we didn't."

Jenny stared at me. "And that's it?" She asked. "You're just gonna say, we didn't? Why didn't you, though?" She sighed. "I need details!"

"Because we've only known each other for like a week!" I protested. "And because I know that he deserves someone better than me! I'm just a f--"


I stopped, midsentence, stunned. Jenny stood in front of me, shoulders hunched, eyes smoldering, fists clenched.

"E-excuse me?" I stammered.

"That is absolute bullshit, Lillette Baker, and you know it!" Jenny scolded me. "Deserves someone better... yeah, right! If anything, you deserve someone better than Dan! Just because he's internet famous does not automatically mean that he's a God who deserves the best woman ever. You're pretty great, Lil, and he knows it! That's why he looks at you the way he does-- that's why he tried to kiss you for heaven's sake!"

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