Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Phil, that's mental."

"I know!" Phil beamed. "I'm still shocked that she said it back!"

Dan sat down, shaking his head in awe. Never in a million years could he have foreseen this. He should have known. Of course, at the rate things were going, Jenny and Phil were sure to end up in love, maybe even married. But he hadn't considered that it would be happening so soon.

Even though it was extremely selfish, Dan was sad. He didn't want Jenny to take Phil away. Phil was his best friend in the world. Phil had supported him when no one else would. If it weren't for Phil, Dan wouldn't be where he was today. As silly as it was, Dan had hoped that things could stay the way they were forever-- him and Lillette in a close friendship, Jenny and Phil dating. The new fantastic foursome.

Yet here they were. Phil had burst into the flat, dress shirt sticking to his lanky frame. He had ran into the flat, scaring Dan half out of his wits, and exclaimed, "She loves me!"

Phil watched Dan now, an anxious look on his face. "Hey... what's up?"

Dan shook himself. His friend had just been told that the girl he loved loves him back. This was worth celebrating. Stop being so selfish!

"Congratulations, mate!" Dan cried, getting to his feet and clapping Phil on the back. "This calls for a toast. Champagne?"

"You know," grinned Phil. "I think filming a gaming video would make me happier."


"Ahaaaaa, die, yeh little shets."

This was a habit I had picked up from Joe. When I'd been feeling down, before, he had showed me some of his gaming videos. He never called things little shits. They were little shets.

I clicked away, zapping the weird little virus things. They exploded in rainbow colors. I grinned in satisfaction as the words LEVEL COMPLETE flashed upon the screen.

"Well, there ya have it, guys!" I cried, clapping my hands and looking up into the camera. "My first gaming video, just a few little mini games. I hope you enjoyed, and please subscribe if you want to see me play more games! Lillette, signing off for now. See you next week, either on LilTalks or LilGames! Adios!" I turned off the camera.

I had just created my gaming channel. After seeing Dan and Phil, Joe, and Pewdiepie, I finally had decided to embrace my inner nerd and create my own channel. So here I was. I got my camera, and started to edit the video. It was more difficult to edit than my others.

Jenny and Phil had declared their love for each other two nights ago. Jenny had stayed locked in her bedroom, checking her tongue in the mirror and texting Phil. She seemed more secluded now. I planned on talking to her about it at dinner tonight, since I missed her.

Two hours later, I was adding the finishing touches to my video. It was a long one-- fourteen minutes, forty six seconds. I clicked upload, and stepped back from my computer. It would take a while to upload, so I had time to kill. I phone suddenly vibrated and I picked it up. I had a message from Zoe, of all people!

Zoe: Hey you free? Wanna hang out?

I instantly replied: sure!

Ten minutes later, I had grabbed my coat and was on my way out the door. I banged on Jenny's door. "I'm going out!"

"Kay, bye."

Then I was out of the door.


"You're pulling my leg-- aren't you? You gotta be! No way!"

Just Friends (Dan Howell)Where stories live. Discover now